Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 A detailed study of figure 1 will show that in the first three minutes after outbreak , the height of the flames grow approximately to the height of the ‘ level ’ of racking on which the fire started , by five minutes some four levels have been involved , and by seven minutes to eight minutes the flames will be breaking out at the top of the racking .
2 The big financial sections in the dailies owed more to the growth of appropriate advertising in the 1960s than to a surge of reader interest .
3 The Russians stuck firmly to the Moscow terminology of December 1945 , including the reference to trusteeship , the reason being that they wished to prevent the Americans from going back on their past support for trusteeship .
4 There is another strand to the Economic theory of regulation , which is that once the agency has an objective , those charged with carrying out the policies do so to the best of their ability .
5 As the minutes ticked away to the dinner , excitement was rising among the European leaders lucky enough to have been invited .
6 The second tactic employed by the authorities related specifically to the Snowball campaign and involved dealing with the symbolic fence-cutting as the offence of criminal damage .
7 After patiently tracking radio-collared sloths , the scientists observed the animals descending almost to the ground from the forest canopy , where they normally live .
8 Most of the animals ran straight to the river banks , but eight panicked and jumped into the water .
9 The branches dipped nearly to the ground , but when Charity ducked in she found a cosy hollow underneath the tree that seemed dry and snug as a little house .
10 So neither television nor the parties moved closer to the electorate on unemployment : they moved away from the electorate , increasingly avoiding an issue the public wanted to discuss .
11 The formula never changed , although with Emmanuelle , the double-entendres left less to the imagination than did any of the other films .
12 Celia Fiennes , in high disgust at finding ‘ froggs and slow-worms and snailes in my roome ’ when lodging in Ely , had the honesty to qualify her personal dislike for the place , which ‘ must needs be very unhealthy , tho' the natives say much to the contrary which proceeds from custom and use ’ .
13 The gardens refer continually to an industrial and pre-industrial past , as well as a post-industrial future .
14 The mountains swing away to the east , running into Venezuela , but the volcanic chain after a short gap in the dreary and fever-ridden jungles of the Isthmus of Panama , reappears in full vigour in Costa Rica , and extends throughout the Central American republics of Nicaragua , El Salvador and Guatemala , which are by reputation as unstable and explosive politically as the many volcanoes that they contain .
15 Great care must be taken to set the hoe up and steer it accurately so that the blades run close to the crop without damaging the seedlings .
16 Make sure that the dealers belong either to the BSIA , or to NACSS ( its logo is an owl ) .
17 The transformation of Tesco in the mid-1980s owed much to the company 's new finance director , headhunted from International Stores , and the new productivity director , who was recruited from Safeways .
18 The darkness beneath the cover encourages the worms to tunnel close to the inside of the glass so that you will be able to see them clearly in their burrows .
19 Walker died instantly ; his F-104 bursting into flames , the pieces falling away to the desert floor 25,000 feet below .
20 Although the bulk of the contents refer specifically to the campaign in the Aegean and , later , in Italy , a brief description of initial developments in small scale operations by canoe is included .
21 It was noon before they had completed the morning 's tasks , and as they came out from the buildings to go across to the house , the snow had ceased to fall .
22 The Edinburgh Evening News picked up the point during the dispute and commented that " the old story of the men 's dislike to machinery appears in this dispute just as it was with the engineers " , 25 Whatever the reason or reasons , the men 's unwillingness to handle the machines led directly to the situation of the late 1900s in which Edinburgh master printers were trying to counter the threat of London and southern firms by combining both the employment of women and the use of machines , thus posing a double threat of a new kind to the male compositor , and inspiring a more determined resistance from the latter than had been seen during the previous thirty-odd years .
23 The persons transferred automatically to the purchaser are all persons employed within the business being sold at or immediately before the time of sale whose contracts would otherwise ( at common law ) have been terminated by the sale .
24 The Pharisees looked forward to the coming of the Messiah .
25 The principles referred both to the goals of broadcasting and to a particular form of organization through which ( alone ? ) they could be achieved .
26 In the first place , the questions relate only to the actual house and land being conveyed .
27 There were economic motives , for the crusades owed much to the commercial enterprise of the Italian cities .
28 In 1976 the friendship treaty was abrogated , Soviet debts ( some US$11 billion ) were repudiated , and the Egyptians moved closer to the USA , which had played a central role in the Camp David and other peace negotiations in the area .
29 These stimuli comprised of verbal ( trigram ) and spatial ( dot location ) tasks with the stimuli directed either to the left or right visual field of the subject while s/he shadowed auditory verbal stimuli .
30 These stimuli comprised of verbal and spatial tasks with the stimuli directed either to the left or right visual field of the subject .
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