Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [adv prt] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Burning pains better ( > ) for heat is very characteristic of this remedy as is the weakness out of proportion to the illness .
2 What really disturbed the Under-Secretary was the report he had received two days ago about the smuggling in of arms for this new Volunteer army .
3 put the summing up of Poirot on
4 And a pre-Christmas no-warning 2,000lb blast ripped the heart out of Craigavon in December 1991 .
5 He tore the heart out of Rangers at Ibrox scoring two goals in a 3–1 Hibernian victory and soon after the game Arsenal paid the fashionable sum of £100,000 for what one of their board of directors described as ‘ the nearest thing in football to The Beatles ’ .
6 Formalization goes beyond the clear documentation of casual status , to include the building up of lists of people who are available for such work and the provision of training for certain skills , particularly higher grade " waiting " skills .
7 The Beveridge Report advocated the payment of old-age pensions on an actuarial basis , which would have meant the building up of contributions over a twenty-year period .
8 The first is the willingness to mount genuine experimental projects ( as distinct from ‘ trial ’ or ‘ experimental ’ schools in curriculum projects committed from the very start to widespread implementation ) , the second the building up of machinery for curriculum development at local level .
9 The great advantage of Realism was that it could justify both accommodation and the building up of armaments in the name of a balance of power .
10 Given that prices are assumed to remain fixed , their reaction to the building up of stocks in the short-run will be to cut back on output and lay off workers , thereby creating DD unemployment .
11 Many of these questions fit very comfortably within that group of activities we call " librarianship " : the building up of collections of information materials , their organization for retrieval and use , the provision of suitable areas and facilities for prolonged study , the development of lending and reservation systems , of co-operative interlending procedures and networks , and the provision of full bibliographic and reference guidance .
12 Traditionally the seven awards have always been deemed to have been of equal value , but the interesting possibilities suggested by all of these short listed designs is the building in of individuality to awards which will closely resemble each other without being formally identical .
13 Clearview Brentwood maintained their unbeaten run in Area 4 , but only after club No. 3 Ian Blakeman bailed the side out of trouble in the second singles contest .
14 It helps with the flushing out of toxins from the body , cleansing it and restoring vitality .
15 ‘ I pulled the Corosini out of debt by making the bank viable again .
16 They are biological catalysts — other words they trigger off or speed up a process such as the break down of waste in an aquarium .
17 The BBC was influential in the setting up of broadcasting in no fewer than seventeen African countries , and the French had a similarly extensive involvement .
18 It says nothing about the setting up of programmes of screening by invitation or the use of desk top analysers .
19 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
20 Holt ( 1981 ) saw the setting up of LEASIB as the biggest threat to schools , allowing the APU to have more direct impact .
21 In the first place the setting up of machinery for examination and selection predates the creation of means to plan and develop curriculum .
22 This urge to preserve the valued and precious non-material things that seem to come inevitably into human life , has found its expression in the setting up of idols in every conceivable form .
23 From there it is an easy step to the setting up of conventions of symbolic violence , in which just the display without the intention to perform the action , can serve a ritual purpose , that is fulfil some other intention than that usually associated with those expressions , stances , shouted insults and so on .
24 The course started with an introduction to desktop publishing and continued with sessions looking at layout styles and techniques , the use and production of graphics , and the setting up of templates for regular publications .
25 The setting up of routines for this communication is another aspect of ergonomics .
26 ( 1 ) For the meaning of " off-sale premises , " see s.139(l). 5.119 provides for the setting off of part of public house or hotel premises for off-sales only , the part to be known as the " offsale part . "
27 ( As reported in the November FlyPast , John Sandberg was tragically killed while ferrying the Tsunami out of Reno on September 25 .
28 The transaction seems to embarrass him because he insists on carrying it out in the corridor out of sight of his secretary , whose fluffy blue feet have just slipped and slid back through the door of his office .
29 I 've taken the piss out of Morrissey in the past .
30 It was the campaign out of doors over Ulster that was the centre piece of the whole Unionist campaign .
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