Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In many plants , secondary compounds are concentrated in the trichomes and , for example , a ketone is thus concentrated in the hairs of tomato plants , but that same ketone has been found in the defence secretions of termites and caterpillars .
2 They are an honest , hard-working but rather dull team redeemed by the goalkeeping qualities of Meola and creative midfield play , when he is fit , of Perez .
3 Farrell uses the fact that O'Neill joined the Apprentice Boys of Derry and the Royal Black Preceptory ( two Protestant fraternal organizations similar to the Orange Order ) to portray him as a ‘ closet ’ die-hard unionist but in so doing misses the glaring point that O'Neill had to join these organizations because he was not already a member .
4 The day-time surgeries in Suffolk and Essex are at : Thursday , April 15 , Cedars Hotel , Stowmarket ; Tuesday , April 27 , Severals Hotel , Newmarket ; Thursday , April 29 , Butterfly Hotel , Colchester ; Friday , April 30 , South Lodge Hotel , Chelmsford ; Monday , May 10 , Severals Hotel , Newmarket .
5 THREE pensioners are going on the ‘ trip of a lifetime ’ to the bulb fields of Holland and the Floriade Garden Festival on Saturday .
6 The teacher does not make the mistake of finding a game that has all the stereotype trappings of horror and mystery .
7 Such anger and defensiveness is commonplace and understandable because our society is accustomed to the stereotype pictures of alcoholism and drug or other addictions as disorders of weak-willed and immoral people who need to be taught firm lessons on how to behave themselves properly rather than as ill people who need to be helped to become well .
8 I told Morag ( Mrs McDougall was busy over the tide tables with Ann and Megan ) then went out to wait for them .
9 Nevertheless , even in the face of brute facts such as these , there was generally a low-key emphasis in the interwar years towards crime and punishment .
10 Wage information from Yorkshire is similarly supportive of the Gilboy position , suggesting a 50 per cent increase in the money wages of craftsmen and labourers in the West Riding between 1750 and 1780 and in the North Riding an increase of 100 per cent for the former and 33 per cent for the latter .
11 If the absorption spectra of reagents and products happen not to cross there can be no isosbestic point , but the same effect can be seen in the first-derivative spectra .
12 Here several isosbestic points are seen , showing that the absorption spectra of reagent and product ( at equal concentrations ) cross at several points .
13 A chiral species is also circularly dichroic — that is , the absorption coefficients for right- and left-circularly polarized light are different .
14 It is quite justifiable therefore to picture polymers as made up from stiff by flexible chains freely sliding among their neighbours and constrained only by cross-links or entanglements — unless , of course , strong lateral forces also exist , such as the hydrogen bonds in polypeptides or polyamides , which tend to hold neighbouring chains together .
15 Mr Hayton said he would be willing to make a presentation of the computer findings to councillors and if the results could be challenged , they would be re-examined .
16 And this is precisely the conclusion that Evans reaches in his more recent work on the computer industries of Brazil and South Korea ( Evans and Bastos Tigre , 1989 ) .
17 The preparation of the Elect ( formally called Catechumens ) for the Easter Sacraments through prayer and penance .
18 James Lisney stresses their closeness to Western origins , especially to the genre pieces of Mendelssohn and especially Schumann .
19 The evidence that there is just one kind of cell which generates all the blood cell types — a multipotential stem cell — comes from destroying the stem cells of mice and then replacing them with just stem cells .
20 After the glory days with Clandeboye and Ulster the enormously talented Murphy disappeared .
21 Like the ornithologist who has to reach an impossibly remote island by a certain day in the rainy season only to find it overflowing with ornithologists from all over the world choking the woodland tracks with cameras and tripods , trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of a small bird as it hops about in the dripping undergrowth .
22 Asked to describe their company , Tribune executives talk soberly about a belief in basic management skills and the heartland virtues of thrift and common sense .
23 The ICF have now given provisional recognition to the canoe federations of Slovenia and Croatia as independent organizations .
24 It helps to remember that whenever one 's faced with the horror stories about betrayal and collaboration and the black market . ’
25 Many less well-equipped ships would have gone through that interlink only at Firstlight speed , and then nervously — because of the horror tales of ships that slid through the wrong slots and were caught in endless loops round and round the interlink for centuries .
26 The decaying submarines , with their crews still living on board , are tied to buoys near the submarine bases at Murmansk and Vladivostok .
27 From nineteen seventy three to nineteen ninety two he was Chairman of the Charities Committee of the Yacht Clubs of Weymouth and played a leading part in organizing forty eight championships including fourteen R Y A Weymouth olympic weeks as well as twelve world and European championships .
28 The area is surrounded by major tourist venues within reasonable distance , including Warwick Castle , Coventry Cathedral , Stratford-on-Avon , Woburn Abbey , and the university cities of Cambridge and Oxford .
29 With the University Colleges of Cardiff and Swansea , Bangor 's departments of psychology and Welsh will study the Welsh language and the school of history and Welsh history , and along with University College Aberystwyth will examine Welsh rulers in the 12th and 13th centuries .
30 There are now 25 De Vere hotels , after deals to buy the University Arms in Cambridge and the Grand in St Helier , Jersey .
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