Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] why the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the US Congress the House banking committee , chaired by Henry Gonzalez , was one of a number of committees now investigating the question of why the US government 's Commodity Credit Corp .
2 All this raises the question of why the Reagan administration wants to quit the business of satellites in the first place .
3 This paper may be seen as an attempt to achieve the seemingly impossible in posing the question of why the Romano-Britons purchased vessels of local manufacture decorated with religious and other images in the third century .
4 Long-wave theories have devoted most attention to the question of why the bunching exists .
5 Because we do not know who owns Delion we do not know who bought the property , which raises the question of why the purchasers want to remain anonymous .
6 … ’ The implication that St Theresa reads the Scottish Catholic Observer is perhaps mischievous on my part , but it does raise the question of why the petition was not addressed to the saint directly and required publication to make it more efficacious .
7 That immediately poses the question of why the TCCB opted to concentrate on impressing the Test nations with large financial guarantees , instead of copying the logical example of the sub-Continent and targetting the associates ?
8 This might be an understandable reaction in someone who has endured an afternoon of flag and whistle , but it misses the point of why the law was framed .
9 In the shire districts , the spectacular advances which enabled Labour to claim more than 50% of the vote in many authorities lend a further twist to the puzzle of why the party has not been able to match consistently good local results in these areas with comparable general election support .
10 It resolves the puzzle of why the Earth cooled even while the concentration of carbon dioxide was continuing to grow exponentially , and all it requires is a peak change in solar luminosity of just 0.28 per cent over the 76-year cycle , producing a maximum influence on surface temperatures on Earth of only 0.28°C .
11 Secondly , the discussion on why the schools were needed and what they could achieve reveals significant features of both the age and the class relationships .
12 The problem of why the galaxies do n't all pile in on top of each other .
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