Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun sg] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Brian Hillier agreed with the defence suggestion that he had nothing to fear from any so-called threats , he had already resigned from the club and he was awaiting trial for cheating the taxman .
2 ‘ If this judgment is less helpful than the parties hoped , as it almost certainly is , the reason lies in the terms of the statute , which places the discretion so unequivocally on the trial judge that it leaves little or no room for an appellate court to lay down principles or even guidelines .
3 The paratroop regiment that he had left eighteen months before was now bivouacked in a concrete and brick school house on the outskirts of Jalalabad and dominated the low ground of an Afghan valley .
4 And she baked some bread with the millet flour that she had brought from her own garden .
5 One could only say of an electron encircling the hydrogen nucleus that it had a certain probability of being found here and a certain probability of being found there .
6 She laid down the printing frame that she held .
7 Barbara looked up as she dragged Jimmy to one side , and saw Duvall stoop to pick up the broken neck of the whisky bottle that she had dropped .
8 Managers and deputy managers can now receive training in staff management , time management , planning and budgeting , in addition to the familiarisation training that they have always received .
9 Incredibly , it was not until she pushed open the kitchen door that she remembered just what day it was and what they were all supposed to be doing .
10 The financial backers may also be sensitive about the disclosure of the purchase price that they had supported .
11 So we 're one of the important environmental health departments , sure , so hopefully we will actually get somebody who is really very good , a food technician to assist in this erm field , and there have , I hope that through Food Forum we may well be able to help Matthew with his , well not just Matthew , but help , help that section with the nutrition advice that he feels is still lacking in his team under the circumstances .
12 Suddenly he remembered the owl lamp that he 'd knocked in the night .
13 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
14 Tell you , if we were in Yorkshire I 'd send him to the , the , that er the convent school that I went to .
15 Right and and what 's the noise test that we put ours through , is that three dimensional noise testing there frequencies and and so on and
16 I wonder how many motorcyclists are made aware of the noise nuisance that they produce ?
17 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
18 The other thing I 'd say is that the budget settlement that we 've got introduces a further hundred thousand of investment in new technology , and this is part of our push to making us more efficient in the way we manage our budgets and all the rest of it .
19 Mediterranean , perhaps , if the skin colour that he 'd taken for suntan was natural .
20 What actually happened was that a colleague of mine , Dave Walton and I , got together to look at a rather esoteric aspect of molecular motion , thinking of making molecules which were very , very long and had very simple structure but could have perhaps erm very complicated what we call dynamic motion , but there was some very good chemistry involved and we erm put this project together for the Sussex Chemistry Bithesis programme , and erm the student who took on this particular project , Alexander , spent two years learning how to do the synthesis and developed a lot of ability in this area ; he also learned how to do the spectroscopic experiments and studied the analysis of molecular motion , and he was able to do this on top of the course work that he did , and in fact this particular project and Alexander , who did the work himself , and the subsequent exciting sort of repercussions of the project have all made me a rather firm believer in the course here , and that in fact undergraduates can do research and also that it 's a very good training for the future .
21 Having listened in the past to some of their recordings , I suspect that it 's the RTH/Iseler combination that we have here but , which ever it is , the Toronto Choir sing with gutsy tone in items such as Haydn 's ‘ The Heavens are Telling ’ ( from The Creation ) and with some finesse sensitivity in more contemplative music by , for instance , Fauré and Vaughan Williams .
22 It would be tremendous if all other industries fought with as much passion : the tragedy being that they have n't yet realised that they too are likely to be as overwhelmingly affected .
23 In his preface to Djuna Barnes 's Nightwood , he introduced a passage of autobiography couched in a similar tone : " In the Puritan morality that I remember
24 Incidentally , the sound of the Steinway piano that they use does not seem to me inappropriate , and the Berlin recording is well focused with natural resonance and a good dynamic range including a real pianissimo .
25 On Sunday in his General Secretary 's address , John Edmunds reminded everyone in the labour movement that we need to , need to express our arguments simply if we want to get the message across .
26 Arthur Scargill put it that ‘ Whilst we exist in a capitalist society we have to extract from that society the highest possible reward for the labour power that we sell , whilst at the same time trying to change the society . ’
27 Indeed Kenyatta argues that the content of formal instruction is so divorced from the experience and life-style of the Gikuyu society that it does not serve the interests of their children .
28 He said : ‘ I forgot to sign the card index that I had administered the drug and I could not order more because it was a Sunday . ’
29 He spent 1990 watching his paymasters demolish the investment bank that he had spent the previous seven years building up for the Pru 's assault on Wall Street .
30 Er but erm if you do er business through a paper , then nobody is responsible for the investment business that you do .
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