Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [was/were] [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Coun Williams replied that he had always said the money was from an insurance payout , adding : ‘ It is very easy for the Liberal Democrat councillors to make such statements .
2 By macabre coincidence , the truck was from an Army unit based in Dortmund , only 70 miles from the German town of Hofgeismar , where many of the injured tourists came from .
3 The entrance was through an iron gate some four feet in width — to the left was the caretaker 's house and on the right a small committee room .
4 The tall , thin young man stood up , realizing that the interview was at an end .
5 The heat was overpowering , the sun glared out of a dear blue sky , the inside of the car was like an oven .
6 The fires burned through the night , signalling across the forest that the era of the rajathuk was at an end .
7 Where a reference , or part of one , has taken place , the courts consider a number of factors to establish whether the reference was to an expert or an arbitrator , and those factors have become known as " indicia " , because of the use of that word by Lord Wheatley in Arenson v Casson Beckman Rutley & Co [ 1975 ] 3 WLR 815 .
8 ( Tabb ( 1984 ) shows that in 1978 one in three of all manufacturing jobs in the South was in an industry with a wage rate below the national average for all manufacturing , indicating that low-wage jobs in particular had been attracted there . )
9 The room was in an uproar , the children huddled together and all screaming .
10 The pop was from an airgun , not a bullet , being fired .
11 Those living near the common have say the festival was like an invasion , but questions are being asked about the way the festival was policed .
12 The immigration appeal tribunal said the onus was on an applicant to bring himself within the specific immigration rule , and if he was unable or unwilling to do so he could not expect to succeed .
13 The cab was from an M-F 1200 and link arms came from a David Brown .
14 The procedure was on an outpatient basis without administration of analgesic or sedative medication .
15 The wall was in an interior which was almost dark .
16 The noise and the shock were like an explosion .
17 Hence the emphasis was upon an expenditure solution to the UK 's budgetary problems .
18 None was needed ; the jewels signified dismissal , announced the relationship was at an end .
19 And I think it 's freezing , the pantry was like an ice box .
20 The row was like an earthquake but I did not think it was the end for us , ’ she said .
21 Well , the chamber was in an uproar .
22 The application was for an injunction to stop Mr Woodall and his partner using the name ‘ champagne ’ , pending a full trial hearing .
23 They racketed in a ragged chorus , never quite finding a common beat , rasping one 's nerves , but finally so familiar that when one day they stopped in a rare shower of rain , the silence was like an explosion .
24 The Court of Appeal of Hong Kong held that the bank was under an obligation to return the deposit and the bank appealed :
25 A note in his voice that he had long cultivated indicated that the discussion was at an end .
26 He stood up to indicate thai the conversation was at an end and that he had no wish to be involved as a partner in such blasphemous and heretical talk .
27 The conversation was at an end .
28 The heating had been off over the weekend , and the office was like an ice-box .
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