Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [be] [adv] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Holding that the defence was not available the court in effect classified the defendant 's belief that the arrest was unlawful as a mistake of law , which could not avail him for these purposes .
2 If the response is not satisfactory a visit can have advantages in that the claimant can see that an interest is being taken in their welfare , the handler can consider whether or not an independent examination may be desirable and also may act as a catalyst in a speedy return to work .
3 Although the case was still open the police had no hope of finding him after all this time .
4 The decision was as rational a move as every other move in Jackie 's career .
5 ‘ There was every reason for me to suspect that the present was just such a case : the medical cause of the death was perfectly well known to the family — indeed I had sent them a copy of the pathologist 's report .
6 Because the mass is so high the same force will have very little effect on .
7 Legend has it that Nigel Rudd was watching Magic Roundabout with his four year old son when he finally decided that the recession was too good an opportunity to miss .
8 Legend has it that Nigel Rudd was watching Magic Roundabout with his four year old son when he finally decided that the recession was too good an opportunity to miss
9 It 's ha it happens all your life , the noise is there all the time
10 If the noise is still unbearable a tenants ' refuge is available for residents .
11 Consequently , although the condition was still untreatable the neonatal identification could facilitate reproductive choice in further pregnancies in the immediate and the extended family .
12 The surface that the rotor presented to the wind was only one-tenth the projected sail area .
13 But the really surprising thing about the research is how similar the two sets of readers are in their tastes .
14 He had never been able to hit the animal but he knew how to throw a punch , and the Punk was n't such a good mover as Cobber .
15 It is , of course , really a serious matter but the photograph was too good a subject to ignore .
16 Whilst the one that did the buying was predominantly PC-based the one that was bought used Macintoshes widely .
17 Where the statute is not clear the court 's determination of which of the options set out above applies may well depend on the strength of the presumption .
18 The sansculotte was as familiar a subject in Gillray 's 1793 output , as had been the inadequacies of the British Royal Family in the previous year .
19 The rather dissimilar , and much later , pyramids of South America were probably largely religious in origin ; if one wants to build a pretty impressive temple to one 's gods , the pyramid is as good a shape as any to choose .
20 Because the issue was hugely undersubscribed the Bank effectively underwrote the shares by entering the secondary market at a fixed price of 70p ( the partly paid issue price being 120p ) for a period of 6 months .
21 From then on the mood is as fine a crescendo of obsessive behaviour as you 're likely to get this side of hell .
22 When the glider is desperately low the pilot 's handling often goes to pieces , and he may over-rudder in an effort to get round a final turn without touching a wing-tip or turning any steeper .
23 The hall 's about half a mile up that road . ’
24 The jolliness of the return was very unlike the thorny mood of the journey out .
25 What struck one about the campaign was how un-Thatcherite the Tory leaders sounded .
26 I think that the initial conditions of the universe are as suitable a subject for scientific study and theory as are the local physical laws .
27 Regressive rock 's meaning is diminished because hardly anyone at all is into it ; the scene is claustrophobically LOCAL a parochial huddle — its problem is not one of dehumanized distance but of an overdose of intimacy .
28 The question is how bad the hangover will be , and not merely for Japan .
29 Even if the fall is comparatively slow a lateral displacement of the shoreline must still be expected to occur .
30 As they crept slowly forward over the plain his eyes searched for those tiny villages made of mud with their bamboo groves and their ponds ; and though the plain was perfectly flat the villages were somehow hidden in its folds , blending with it .
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