Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Encouraged by the finding of this tiny coin , I turned my attention to the second side of the pond and began the same operation along its full length .
2 Then he walked heavily on for a pace or two until his tracks merged with the cart-way , then he turned back along the ruts to the stream and did the same thing again , more lightly this time .
3 Crouching again , he moved to the other side of the cabinet and repeated the same manoeuvre , craning his head to look out .
4 So one would know one had the right answer only if someone else repeated the calculation and got the same answer , and that did not seem very likely !
5 I put down the Mail , opened the Telegraph and found the same tale , though told in less lurid terms .
6 He made two more soundings further along the bank and got the same result for both .
7 Afterwards he dipped his own thumb into the bowl and made the same yellow mark on Chola 's forehead .
8 Both were directors of the company and received the same salary and benefits .
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