Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] it [is] not " in BNC.

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1 If you do , you will assuredly be severely handled at the trial and it is not unlikely your evidence will be disbelieved .
2 The sad thing is such behaviour will only end up getting the poor stalker or ghillie the sack so it 's not worth the trouble .
3 Is n't it more the case that it 's not so much what they 're trying to get away with , it 's just that how what was happening the peasants did see the world that they were in but with the Communist Party and the revolution that the idea is to change the way the peasants see the world and how they view themselves
4 but we thought well we 're going up the grave and it 's not exactly out the way so we thought we 'd pop in .
5 The Western book would be a magnificent present for anyone who likes the genre because it is not only a comprehensive guide to the films and film-makers , but also to the cultural background .
6 playing into the coil and it 's not doing anything so it 's just , just
7 The topographical environment is of great significance for the story but it is not ordered in a straightforward way according to the canons of empirical geography and empirical zoology .
8 You er , ma , it balances out the er , benefits from like the whole of the term and it 's not necessarily , like a with profits system , you get a lot of bonuses at the very end .
9 The information was collected after the attempt and it is not clear whether patients would have acted as they claimed they would but , taken at face value , the findings support the case for better health education and warning about the effects of drugs .
10 The procedure is particularly apt if there is a risk that the goods may be destroyed or disposed of before trial of the action but it is not confined to such situations .
11 As one might expect , there are heavy responsibilities involved in making decisions about the future and it is not easy to become an actuary .
12 Mr de Soto tells the president that it is not just the size of Peru 's state sector , which includes several hundred companies as well as the ministries , that burdens the people via the fiscal deficit .
13 The first paragraph , for example , comes from p. 10 and the second from p. 13 ; and all the connections Leech and Short make between these pages have been lost , with the result that it is not clear how the first paragraph leads to the second paragraph .
14 However , it has the disadvantage that it is not general , but has to be calculated separately for every n and N.
15 No such assurances have been given by the Opposition because it is not possible for them to do so .
16 It 's the voice of the barman and it 's not a happy voice .
17 No , I mean he 's got things that er he 's got er CDs and things in the window but it 's not erm
18 ‘ Finish this , love , and we 'll wander down to the pub while it 's not raining . ’
19 Well of course the biggest social thing in Ireland is the pub and it 's not I mean the Irish have a a name for being very heavy drinkers but in general they 're not heavy drinkers they just spend a lot of time in pubs .
20 It is common for old people to play down the extent of the abuse and it is not easy to gauge how far their reluctance to discuss alternative care is due to fear of the unknown rather than acceptance of the situation .
21 This brings with it the corollary that it is not always apparent whether the beliefs he expresses are Ackroyd 's or those of the writer to whom he is exposed , or both .
22 Directives are based on Roman law whereby absolute duties are set out in the law but it is not vigorously enforced .
23 Strictly , as far as unregistered conveyancing is concerned , there is no need for the mortgagee to be a party to the conveyance if it is not releasing the husband from liability .
24 Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe although it is not so on Earth ( see chapter 12 ) .
25 Custody of the share certificate is regarded as the essential protection of the lender and it is not clear precisely how continuation of this popular method of providing security will be practicable in relation to uncertificated listed securities on the introduction of TAURUS — short of repealing section 360 of the Act and requiring ‘ account operators ’ to note equitable interests .
26 I was just going to sa , er ask the question if it 's not more celebrated by expatriate Scots ?
27 But other women do help a lot , in fact they have such strong relationships with the child that it is not uncommon for them to be called Big Mother or Small Mother .
28 It also claims that the M11 extension is not covered by the directive since it is not officially designated a motorway , although the government admits that it is likely to be given motorway status at the time of opening .
29 The introduction of the earnings-related retirement pensions scheme is bound to favour the better-paid sections of the community because it is not financed wholly by employee contributions .
30 Now with the accent much more on playing the rhythm , it is easier to create movements without the fear of what to play on the piano but it is not an easy task to find suitable taped music to enhance the carrying quality .
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