Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't understand what was wrong with him until Frankie pulled out the other two from behind the boiler and found them in a similar state .
2 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
3 It is , therefore , our intention to seek to increase the range of NVQs offered by the Board and to market them to employers in co-operation with the Chamber movement .
4 Edouard de Chavigny was a Frenchman ; he understood that women , when abandoned , liked some small remembrance to soften the blow and to remind them of tender memories .
5 Typically , teen magazines like Smash Hits , were soon on the case and presented them as a ‘ new ’ band , although none went as far as dubbing them the customary , overnight success .
6 He also includes all the posthumous items in his Etudes symphoniques , scattering them freely through the text but playing them with such improvisatory magic that all sense of interruption or slackened structure is virtually erased .
7 She disinterred two frozen TV dinners from the big freezer in the basement and put them into the oven to heat .
8 We used to hunt rats in the basement and put them in the traps , when I was a lad . ’
9 Dr Losberne , of course , was full of immediate plans to rush round London arresting all the gang and hanging them at once .
10 Jessamy picked them up , wandered through to the kitchen and put them on the table .
11 For ants , matricide is an act of special genetic madness and formidable indeed must be the drug that drives them to it .
12 Piers leant against the door-frame and surveyed them in silence .
13 That put Swansea 8–6 in front at half-time , but even then the Aussies could n't have expected the storm that awaited them in the second half .
14 Basically they do the same job , that is they break down the structure of the hair and reset them with a neutraliser , but are made without animal testing , contain naturally derived ingredients and are biodegradable .
15 At the dump , we took two yellow bags which had been left by the truck and put them in the boot of a car .
16 Their education certainly suffered as the teachers did not like them interrupting the curriculum and sat them at the back of the class and told them to write home .
17 Thus it might be that the old English case of Woodhouse v Brotherhood 1972 ] ICR 186 would be decided the same way under the Directive , because the facts , as found in that case , were that the transferee employer used the factory and the machines to produce different products from those made by the transferor and sold them in different markets .
18 Police arrested them after the tragedy and held them for two days on suspicion of unlawful killing .
19 It is possible for a man to assemble a large number of these mystical phrases that move the mind and to use them as passports to the transcendent world .
20 A coal-black manservant came out to the carriage and showed them into the house .
21 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
22 ‘ Some lead such active lives that we found it difficult to arrange a time for interview , while others are so isolated and lonely that our interviewers felt guilty about terminating the interview and leaving them to themselves . ’
23 ‘ So , ’ he was saying to the Prince 's chauffeur as Owen arrived , ‘ you picked the two girls up from the salon and took them to the river at Beni Suef ? ’
24 Juliet fished the boiled eggs from the saucepan and placed them in eggcups .
25 For a start when she was talking about fish and chips she said well we 'll pop along in the car and get them from Moor Road cos they have nice er chips there but then , being as Tony had had a drink he would n't drive so
26 Bryant and Bradley chose 65 of the children who had not been very good at categorising sounds at the beginning of the study and divided them into four groups .
27 Nigel Buxton , 41 , swerved snarply across the road when he lifted both his hands off the wheel and ran them through his hair , Didcot magistrates heard .
28 These middle-class heroes and heroines returned from their exploits in the great outdoors of the Cotswolds or the Cornish Moors to the sound of the gong that summoned them to groaning tables .
29 Then , with the right side of the garment facing the machine , pick up the stitches around the neck and place them on the machine .
30 But whenever Angus and his daughter went out in the boat fishing for their lives to keep themselves fed , it seemed that a seal swam in front of the boat and lead them towards the places where the fishes were thickest in the sea in that part of the coast .
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