Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [pron] [verb] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time in over forty years someone had humbled him on the board he considered his own .
2 So surely if the government er , have , ca n't have the money they cut their own throat ?
3 If Rassendyll escapes being a sentimental hero it is because of the spare , simple plots and the headlong speed of the narrative which carry his idealistic musings along .
4 In the Preface he resituated his earlier formulations as follows :
5 Even on the field he had his own personal trademark — flapping shirt sleeves and long , baggy shorts , which served both as a landmark for his colleagues and to help keep out the cold he felt so badly .
6 I lunged for the computer which contained my first four hard-laboured chapters , and it literally burst into flames at my touch .
7 We missed the credit to the photographer who took our Japanese pictures in the December issue .
8 Gustavo Gutierrez has stressed the importance of this remark for Latin America , adding : ‘ The preference , the predilection ( not exclusive , let's be clear ) for the poor is not opposed in the mind of the Pope to his universal mission ; on the contrary it makes his universal mission quite concrete ’ ( Alberigo and Jossua , pp. 239 , 240 ) .
9 In the case of mythology the saga teller will always produce a version of the story which puts his own ancestors in a particularly favourable light .
10 Rabin faced angry criticism from settlers in the Golan who condemned his apparent willingness to trade the territory for a peace treaty .
11 Yeah so you see the point , if you 're making a presentation and you use words like that based on where you come from the geography you know your regional variations then it 's a bit it 's a bit difficult for er effective communication is n't it ?
12 In the interview she expressed her enormous relief at the return of the collection built up by her husband Sheikh Nasser Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah since 1975 and now totalling around 20,000 items .
13 With the crime itself begins his moral development , the possibility of those questions which did n't exist before .
14 Not that I am deliberately distorting or mis-speaking our findings , but because I have selected and imposed an order on the research which suits my theoretical and creative purposes and which therefore paints nature in the colours in which I wish to view it .
15 This week William and his horse Chaka have been training with the rest of the British team at Badminton … back in the spring they enjoyed their finest hour here when they finished seventh in the annual championships …
16 CRYSTAL PALACE , the club which ordered its non-playing staff to take a 10 per cent drop in salary , are shortly to announce profits of £1 million .
17 In Australasia , for instance , the club you play your first game of the season for is your only club for that year and you are not allowed to transfer .
18 Melchiori in one place actually describes ‘ the I ’ as being ‘ the poet who voices his own feelings ’ , and says that the absence of the I form in some sonnets ‘ is an impediment to the dialogue , to the theatrical quality ’ , which he describes in disappointingly literal terms : ‘ Normally in Shakespeare 's Sonnets we find a truly dramatic dialogue between two characters : the persona of the poet himself ( the speaking I , not the man William Shakespeare ) ’ — a welcome disclaimer ! — ‘ and a ‘ you ’ , the actor playing the role of a lovely boy , a worthy or unworthy mistress , possibly a rival poet' .
19 Such poems ‘ need not be stimulated by real-life events ’ such as the plight of the Marseilles dock-workers , which has effaced the sight — darkly limned in Jaromil 's juvenilia — of Magda in her bath ; and if the poet who displays his ignorant , indifferent self-portrait is hoping for applause , there is a chance for him to do well in the new world of revolution , which rings with applause , and with blame .
20 Such questions begin to evoke the crumbling processes of The Possessed , the instability which flushes its entire structure .
21 They all called him ‘ Father ’ and he drank in the glowing warmth of the heatwave which comforted his tortured bones .
22 In the dream she lifted her right hand and stretched out her arm , the tiny pistol almost lost in the palm of her hand , pointed it at the man who had once been her lover — and shot him dead .
23 Indeed , Anselm 's greatness as an influence in the Christian world must rest almost entirely on his Prayers and Meditations , on his Monologion , Proslogion , and Cur Deus Homo , and on the sanctity which pervaded his whole life after his conversion in 1059–1063 .
24 Sergeants and Inspectors know almost exactly where an officer can be found at a certain time , and woe betide the constable who keeps his superior officer waiting .
25 The boy who nursed his dying mum has devoted all his life to the destitute
26 The other girls disliked her for her outstanding looks and her haughty ways and made no attempt to be friendly on anything but the most superficial level and the pattern cutters and sewing hands hurried home to their families and boyfriends the moment they finished their long day 's work .
27 I knew from the moment I saw my squashed , bloated foot and my ankle that my trousers would have to be cut off .
28 I would not rest easy knowing Araminta would see you off without so much as a penny piece the moment I breathe my last . ’
29 Flowers looked a figure of total confidence from the moment he made his first save from Brazilian skipper Rai .
30 Sharpe tried to draw his own sword , but the moment he took his right hand off the reins he almost fell and the mare immediately tried to check .
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