Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 Proposals to alter Zimbabwe 's Constitution , following the ending in April 1990 of the 10-year moratorium on constitutional changes , precipitated disagreements within the leadership of the ruling ZANU party , with President Robert Mugabe reportedly opposed by the majority of the politburo over his proposals to introduce a one-party state structure .
2 When they were both soaked in the greasy oil , she watched him pour the remainder of the bottle over the rubber sheet .
3 — The people commit themselves to a life of obedience , and Moses sprinkles the remainder of the blood over them ( verse 8 ) — identifying them with the sacrifice made on their behalf both initially and for the failures and sins of everyday life .
4 ‘ I tell you it went down that last passage on the right , ’ hissed Kring in a voice like the scrape of a blade over stone .
5 [ For details of the deferment of a decision over Haiti 's application for membership of CARICOM see p. 37648 . ]
6 Using transactions data for the MMI for 1986 , Swinnerton , Curcio and Bennett ( 1988 ) found that the change in futures prices over the last five minutes had some predictive power for the change in the index over the next five minutes .
7 At the heart of the battle over Sunday trading is the simple straightforward issue of profit and loss . ’
8 At the heart of the debate over a squad system lies the virtue of continuity versus the flexibility of selection .
9 Only the defeat of Britain — now widely presumed to be a matter of course — stood in the way , it seemed , of that final victory , and the intoxication of the triumph over the French mingled with a widespread desire , whipped up by almost hysterical anti-British hate propaganda , for the total destruction of Britain .
10 A further challenge for the new ambassador is the discontent within the country over the government 's provision of $3 billion for the " conservation of the global environment " .
11 If he did so intend then , in the case of a child over the age of 16 , his interpretation of the law was inconsistent with the express words of section 8(3) of the Act of 1969 .
12 The advantage to the offeror over a share offer with a cash alternative is that it knows in advance that it will only have to make available fixed pools of each type of consideration .
13 A nerve-wracking wait added to the mounting psychological pressure as we charted the progress of the sun over the Anglesey seascape .
14 Another method is to take a sample of titles or subject areas and follow the progress of the sample over a number of years .
15 That the document containing the statement was produced by the computer during a period over which the computer was used regularly to store or process information for the purposes of any activity regularly carried on over that period , whether for profit or not , by any body , whether corporate or not , or by any individual ;
16 ‘ Oh yes , and would you be so kind as to fetch me The Economist from the table over there ? ’
17 At this meeting it was decided by the Committee to approve the Constitution of the European Federation of Funeral Services on behalf of the N.A.F.D. As we hold the Presidency of E.F.E.S. it was decided that we would not vote in favour of any one particular city for the location of the registered office for E.F.F.S. , but would endorse the decision of the majority over this matter .
18 IN THESE days when money is scarce for most rugby clubs Morley earned themselves £1,500 on the toss of a coin over the weekend .
19 Contractual liability on a joint account on which an overdraft is to be allowed need not attract the same attention as the grant of a charge over property .
20 In the event of another company acquiring control of the Company through a takeover or reconstruction , then ( as an alternative to exercising his option as described in paragraph 6 ) a participant may , if the acquiring company so agrees , release his existing option in return for the grant of an option over shares in the acquiring company ( or a parent thereof ) having the same aggregate option prices and the same aggregate market value as the shares the subject of the options released , the new options being generally exercisable on the same terms as the old .
21 Further anecdotes on the fame of Champagne wines in the fourteenth century are told by Max Sutaine in his Essai sur l'histoire des vins de la Champagne ( 1845 ) ; in particular he relates how , when the German king Wenceslas arrived in Reims in 1397 to discuss with Charles VI the division within the church over the popes of Avignon ( a subject Henry Vizetelly describes in A History of Champagne ( 1882 ) as ‘ very fit for a drunkard and a madman to put their heads together about ’ ) he became so intoxicated on the local wines that he signed all the documents before him , departing without knowing what he had signed .
22 Gloucestershire County Council have appointed two Project Officers , Ann Edwards and Tony Jones , to explore the route of the path over the next year .
23 This is the story of a quarrel over women involving a series of abductions and retributions which culminate in Paris 's kidnapping of Helen .
24 ‘ They bound along , eager and unquestioning across the icy wastes with the driver with the whip over them saying ‘ mush , mush ’ .
25 Lesley Harrison , 29 , was knifed by a taxi passenger as she stepped between him and the driver during a row over the fare .
26 Textermination thus privileges active participation in the creative process on the part of the reader over authoritative readings by professional interpreters .
27 For Smith , the difference is ‘ merely subjective ’ : the division within the enterprise is confined to one location and can be surveyed synoptically while in the case of the division of labour in society ‘ the spreading-out of the work over great areas and the great number of people employed in each branch of labour obscure the connection ’ ( paraphrased by Marx , 1976 , p. 475 ) .
28 Exhausted , Morthen 's wounding cuts hurting her , she remained seated here , watching the cleft in the cliff over the gaunt and grimacing features of the man she had once loved .
29 A large sycamore tree growing in the front garden had branches which stretched along the side of the house over the trellis .
30 The drag of the cable over one wing can make the aircraft uncontrollable in a turn , making a serious crash almost inevitable .
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