Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] [conj] not the " in BNC.

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1 These farmers had no money for improving agricultural methods and no motivation either because they realised that ‘ however beneficial any methods of agricultural technology were in the abstract , the benefits reaped from the improved methods would go to the money lender and not the tiller ’ ( Mamdani , The Myth of Population Control ) .
2 ‘ It is disappointing to see that he heeded the whisky lobby but not the wine merchants who must be very disappointed with the rise , ’ he said .
3 And they said May which we thought was it a bit really but they said it had the the Spring wood but not the Summer wood on it .
4 I think that 's that absolutely horrific and that has come from one of the practice partners and not the actual himself .
5 The fines are up to £1,000 and the provision arises as a result of the introduction of police cameras on roads which provide evidence of offences such as speeding or jumping traffic lights where the police are in possession of the vehicle number but not the name of the driver .
6 What you do is to select the block of text that you wish to manipulate , ie you use the pointer tool and not the text tool , and then copy it to the Scrapbook via the Clipboard .
7 The following must be stated in a proof of debt ( r 6.98(1) ) : ( i ) the creditor 's name and address ; ( ii ) the total amount of the debt as at the date of the bankruptcy order ; ( iii ) whether interest is included ; ( iv ) whether VAT is included ; ( v ) whether any part of the debt is a preferential debt as defined in s 386 of and Sched 6 to the Act ; ( vi ) particulars of how and when the debt was incurred ; ( vii ) particulars of any security held and , if so , its value ; ( viii ) the name , address and authority of the person signing if not the creditor himself ; and ( ix ) any documents which can substantiate the claim though these need not be sent unless the trustee requests them ( r 6.98(3) ) ; ( x ) if the debt was incurred in a foreign currency , the sterling equivalent at the date of the bankruptcy order must be calculated and stated ( r 6.111 ) and the rate of exchange must be the official rate , ie that fixed by the Bank of England or by the court .
8 Simple walkers and amateur explorers can share the surface delights but not the underground thrills of discovery .
9 Indeed , occasionally one can , even in normal males , observe amplification of the control locus and not the Y-chromosome locus .
10 In the next century , the descendants of Sampson Lloyd II abandoned the iron business but not the bank .
11 Of particular importance , Lane feels , is the fact that it is the government authorities and not the party that have legal authority over the activity of enterprises and the adminstration of laws ( Lane 1978 , p. 181 ) .
12 Many cities and counties are little better placed , as each layer of government passes down the spending obligations but not the money to fulfil them .
13 You could use the word god but not the word they had to be suppressed .
14 My complaint about reviews so far is that everyone is reviewing the man Larkin and not the biography of him .
15 If a cheque is wrongly processed it is the collecting bank and not the customer who will be liable . ’
16 The proper remedy was the ballot box and not the court .
17 Remember , it is the bank deposit and not the cheque ( or electronic transfer ) that is considered to be money .
18 It was a dreadful ‘ howler ’ from a scorecard gleaned from the Press Association and not the official scoresheet .
19 They 're gon na catch me ’ and he was just talking to the film crew and not the camera and was not conscious of the fact there was probably 14 million people watching it .
20 But the fact that , in the face of the overpowering evidence against the addiction , he had finally managed to give up all that time ago , combined with the fact that the pain was in the shoulder blade and not the chest , had contributed to putting me off the scent .
21 To put it another way , bearing in mind that symptoms are part of the healing process and not the disease process , then particular medicines will bring about particular healing responses , that is symptoms .
22 On social issues the public 's agenda influenced the party agenda if not the television agenda .
23 A mixed party of kin from both sides , including the bride and the gatekeeper cross-cousin but not the bride 's parents , returned in procession to the house of the groom 's parents .
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