Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The 27-year-old centre-half has been at Stamford Bridge for the past two days with the hope of making a £500,000 move .
2 But the broad trend has been for this gap between the experience of rich and poor worlds to narrow ( see the graph on Page 16 ) .
3 In recent years the alpine trend has been for less adventurous climbing : bolted instant classics from climbers ' such as Michel Piola — safe rock routes with a savage backdrop .
4 It does not mean that the Holy Spirit can not work on men of other faiths and draw their inner longings to Christ.John Taylor , in The Go-Between God , says rightly , ‘ The eternal Spirit has been at world in all ages and all cultures making men aware and evoking their response , and always the one to whom he was pointing and bearing witness was the Logos , the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world .
5 The rapidity of Japan 's economic and political transformation and the enduring influence of Tokugawa practices and ideas into this century mean that in Japan , as in other late industrializers such as the USSR , agricultural issues and the impact of the rural sector have been of crucial importance throughout the past 150 years .
6 The exemption does not apply if the equity share capital of the private company has been to some extent publicly held at any time within the ten years prior to the offer .
7 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
8 The point that we were making in drawing attention to it was that , if the Labour party had been in power , he would not have had the freedom to buy shares in BT .
9 But most of the English fleet had been on Parliament 's side during the Civil War , and in 1650 the Republic decided it was strong enough to impose an embargo on trade and send out an expedition to make Virginia and the West Indian islands acknowledge its authority .
10 The fourteen-gallon tank had been about one quarter full of fuel , and both it and a second partially-filled tank were each found to contain over a quarter of a pint of water , the result of condensation forming in the tanks over a six-day period .
11 Their crushing electoral defeat of 1983 in conjunction with the realisation that their share of the popular vote has been in steady decline since 1951 has , however , forced a reassessment .
12 If the hon. Gentleman had been in earlier , he would have heard the hon. Member for Harrow , East ( Mr. Dykes ) saying that last week he had attended a debate on this subject in the Bundestag .
13 Peripherality is a major source of the economic problems of depressed regions in Europe , and the British government has been at pains to stress the role of the Channel Tunnel in reducing Britain 's isolation from potential markets .
14 The British Legion has been in touch with Warrington Borough Council about putting a plaque on the cenotaph but nothing has happened yet . ’
15 And why not ? — the British Army had been in Osnabrück since 1945 .
16 First , we should remember that the British economy has been in relative decline compared to the rest of the world for a hundred or more years — long before there was ever any concern expressed about adversary politics .
17 The old man had been with her in the shop that morning , the same as ever , gossiping about the business , about the vagaries of their customers , the oddities of town councillors and the perverseness of families — all with a humour that was wickedly spiced .
18 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
19 The worst peasant uprisings in the Civil War had been against German expeditions in search of food supplies .
20 Tests showed the 25mm-long insect had been in the pickle for some time and environmental health officers inspected the premises .
21 I 'm pleased that the Divisional Championship has been on everybody 's lips around this time each year .
22 The time-honoured method has been by urine testing , but with the renal threshold in the not so elderly being of the order of 10 mmol/1 glycosuria is only going to occur when the blood glucose is in double figures .
23 The offending blob had been on the left side of the X-ray as I had looked at it , and I had assumed that it was my left lung that was affected .
24 Since the First World War the railways in the developed world have been in decline , their role usurped by motor transport and in particular the car .
25 She felt cold , although the central heating had been on all morning , and took a large brown woollen shawl out of a drawer and wrapped it round her as she sat in the beanbag and listened .
26 It expects a loss for the first quarter and the loss will be substantially larger than analyst estimates — the average forecast has been for a loss of two cents a share on turnover of $565m — a figure the company says is way too high .
27 The average audience has been between 200,000 and 250,000 .
28 Fair enough in the circumstances , but since the extended expiry date in 1952 , several growers have received individual concessions and , although the overall aim has been to gradually reduce the Gamay , the fact that at least 20 hectares exist , some 60 years after the law intent on banning the grape was first introduced , surely indicates that a certain laisser-faire attitude has been taken by successive administrations .
29 The chief emphasis has been on instructing children in the use of the library and to a lesser extent on the promotion of reading amongst schoolchildren .
30 The real conflict has been over the development of industrial land for retail purposes .
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