Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Of course , the increase in the total number of firms over the period was not one third , but two thirds — to nearly 3 million , or an average increase of almost 500 every working day .
2 Did he also draw attention to the total inadequacy of control over pension fund investments and procedures ?
3 The total length of time over which a product may decline depends on a variety of factors , such as its relevance to basic needs , its adaptability in the light of economic trends and whether it is the focus of short-term fads or of longer-lasting fashions .
4 The scene was set for a confrontation which , because of the simultaneous peaking of unrest over the food question , threatened to bring not only a few militant engineers , but whole working-class communities into direct action against the continuation of the war .
5 The Islamic concept of ownership over land is at variance with a system that confers an indefeasible title upon the registered owner .
6 The political dimension of control over health and health care is inescapable .
7 But despite the political war of words over tax , she found it hard to prepare new strategies because no party had said very much about VAT .
8 The huge loss of dollars under ‘ other transactions ’ in 1947 reflects the short-lived abolition of controls over access to dollars in that year .
9 In his latter years Tilden also studied the specific heat of metals over a wide range of temperatures , and the history of chemistry .
10 As important to Tolkien , though , was that it is a word ( like ‘ shadow ’ ) which people use every day , and with exactly the right shade of uncertainty over whether they mean something completely humdrum and practical or something mysterious and supernatural .
11 It is important that the purpose of this criticism should not be misunderstood ; the theoretical and experimental contributions that the Aplysia group have made to the cellular study of memory over the past two decades have been substantial , but the very intellectual certainty of the group and the charisma of its leader have tended to suppress some of its problems and sideline those who have articulated them .
12 It is the fear that the administrative form of control over material resources could become politicized to such an extent that it would no longer be subservient to , but subversive of the commodity form .
13 He had hinted that it might be kind to pass the empty bottle of Scotch over when he 'd drunk it .
14 Although the shareholders no longer exercised the direct control of principals over the directors as their agents , the model nevertheless asserts that any danger that the directors might use their considerable discretionary powers to manage the business in their own interest is precluded .
15 It was n't just the sumptuous disproportion of form over content , or the ultra-vivid hypersexual bliss induced by his refinement and exaggeration of the mannerisms of passion .
16 Worse , by stripping Germany of much of its industrial wealth , its merchant fleet and its colonial possessions ; and by resurrecting Poland , and making inroads into the German sense of security over Danzig and the Polish Corridor , they gave further cause for grievance and hardened the most unpleasant facets of the German identity fostered by the marcher lands .
17 ‘ Laura … ! ’ he groaned , a deep , compulsive inner hunger shaking his tall figure as her hands trailed gently downwards , following the dark arrow of hair over the taut muscles of his stomach , which clenched violently at her soft touch .
18 The vast block of land over which the Merovingians ruled was essentially treated as two different units ; on the one hand there was the north and the east , that is the territories which had been controlled by the Franks before the " Vouillé " campaign , together with the Burgundian kingdom ; on the other there was Provence and the lands captured from the Visigoths .
19 We looked over the trees at the superb view , the vast dome of light over land and sea .
20 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown :
21 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown , if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown .
22 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the periods shown , if the annual rate of inflation over the period is as shown .
23 The softer stones of ancient cathedrals show how deeply it may cut ; and the rock from which the Sphinx was carved may have first been roughly shaped by desert winds , for the general outline follows precisely the aerodynamic flow of air over obstacles , swirling away at the end to leave a mass for the head ; and there are many rocks of similar form elsewhere .
24 the average number of customers over the week ( add each day 's total customers together , then divide that total by the number of days in the working week ) .
25 In addition , HARPY limited the average number of competitors over a stretch of speech and also constrained their identity , thereby ensuring that the items were easily discriminable as measured by their acoustic match scores .
26 Take the 7th root of the average number of paths through our mid class utterances in order to estimate the average number of words over each region of the intended word :
27 One analysis by Stuart Nachtwey of NASA estimates the extra risk of cancer over an 18-month voyage , including 30 days on Mars , is only 1 per cent .
28 The problem with this reasoning is that even if we accept the narrow definition of freedom on which it relies , a system of private property , and in particular private ownership of productive assets , is not the only property system that is capable of bringing about the required dispersal of control over material goods .
29 By way of illustration the following table shows what £1,000 will be worth in today 's money at the end of the years shown if the yearly rate of inflation over the period is as shown :
30 With the introduction of general management , an attempt has been made to address the clinician-management interface directly and to challenge formally , at least in theory , the tight grip of doctors over the NHS as an organisation .
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