Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Michael was asked to give the introductory lecture at an engineering conference on the subject of his government review .
2 The bottom half , known as the maie , is made from oak and has a series of ducts around the inside rim at the base , through which the juice runs out .
3 If we can keep it in broad percentage terms of the total work at the project level , fine , that can be done , efficiently and effectively .
4 Ideally speaking , one of the electrodes should be at a site where no activity occurs at all and then the amplified signal would represent the total activity at the area of interest ; in practice this state of affairs is difficult to achieve since no site is entirely free from underlying neural activity .
5 The EFL is not directly imposed on wage and industrial costs , so that these have sometimes risen within the total EFL at the cost of lower investment , higher prices or a reduced quality of service .
6 I found the total silence at a depth of six metres interrupted only by the sound of my breathing quite eerie .
7 I 've taken the bedroom on the right-hand side at the top of the stairs .
8 Jane had said after the shameful confrontation at the ball .
9 Cheltenham Junior School , the junior school at the college , and it 's not a very erm common name
10 All right , Giles Shaw , the junior minister at the Department of the Environment , was in Brussels .
11 Out through the service door again , she skipped her way along till she reached the narrow vestibule at the foot of the double stairway and from there proceeded through the entrance hall , where her skipping lapsed .
12 As the two women were saying their goodbyes he came to the end of his task , switched off the motor-mower and headed with it towards the narrow gate at the side of the house .
13 ‘ You 're disgusting , ’ said Constance , making her way down the narrow path at the side of the house .
14 That came in the momentous contest at The Belfry in 1985 when it was the Scot who holed a curling 15 foot birdie putt across the final green to beat Andy North and to clinch the match for the home team .
15 Britain has the European presidency at the moment .
16 the state of the premium trust funds , these are the sorts of consideration one would need to take into account , er a no doubt they would , they 'd need to be argued fully at a , at a later stage , but the only question here is , if your Lordship refers and there 's going to be some delay , well , erm , I was trying to think of an analogous case er and the case which went to the European court at the beginning of last year had consequences which were potentially far more profound than this case is , it was the Case concerned the application of equal pay principles to pensions
17 Laurence , who plays Challenge Tour golf , aims to qualify for the European Tour at the end of this season .
18 It was Germany which had pressed hardest for more powers to be granted to the European Parliament at the expense of the national parliaments as the price for monetary union on German terms .
19 NORWAY 'S Prime Minister , Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland , called for membership of the European Community at the weekend , ending months of speculation on her position .
20 The Irish Government , which takes over the Presidency of the European Community at the end of the month has expressed its determination to give higher priority to environmental issues .
21 The plan was put forward in Brussels last week in line with the mandate to orchestrate the aid effort given to the European Commission at a meeting of 24 Western nations in Paris in July .
22 All I materially knew of the war was the thick squat block of the air-raid shelter at the end of the garden which as a child I took over as my own little house .
23 It seemed what mattered , what defined , was the acute moment at the end , not the long , unfeigned relationships which had subsisted before .
24 It was touch-and-go whether she could reach the pram before it either overturned or leapt from the rocky wall at the foot of the bank on to the road , along which traffic was speeding in both directions .
25 The English used it as a convenient base for raids into the Scots East and Middle Marches , and as a permanent threat , its strong position on the rocky spine at the junction of the two rivers making it a very difficult nut to crack .
26 A huge local family came in as she was drinking coffee , and suddenly there were voices and laughter as they arranged the stately grandmother at the head of the table , the boisterous children banished to the other end .
27 And with Wimpey Homes ’ expert guidance were able to secure finance to buy the two-bedroom showhome at the Trenethick Farm development in Helston .
28 After the merger between Cadbury and Schweppes he succeeded Lord Watkinson as Chairman of the combined company at the end of 1974 .
29 The indoor pool at the Piemonte
30 What I want to say is one thing about the public 's perception of the political scene at the moment .
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