Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] but [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Inner-city riots , the politics of nationalism , peace protests , community action , and the emergence of single-issue movements around the felt concerns of blacks , women , the youthful , and the disenchanted , may not prove to be permanent features on the political scene but whilst they are around they are likely to defy easy incorporation into the snugness of the state .
2 " The concept of the Labour aristocracy has had its value in drawing attention to differences within the working class but if it implies the existence … of a labour elite distinctly separated from lower strata and marked by political behaviour of an acquiescent type then it is a concept that does more harm than good to historical truth " .
3 At first she did not notice him standing there near her cage in the darkening gloom but when she did she did something he had never seen her do in all the years he had watched her .
4 For example , in the story above , Mrs Glen may have jumped to the wrong conclusion but if you were Mrs Glen how would YOU feel if you were tired , your lesson had been disrupted by exams in the hall next door , several people in the class were being awkward , you get interrupted by an unhappy violin teacher moaning about his pupils not turning up on time and then you re-enter your classroom to find someone crawling under your desk with a handful of expensive musical instrument ? !
5 Instantly they took advantage and leapt in under the hesitating staff but as they did so two other shafts struck in quick succession , Allen 's second and Marian 's first .
6 And David in , that psalm which we read earlier , in psalm twenty three , he paints the picture of how the good shepherd , not only seeks out the lost sheep but once he has brought him back , once he has rescued the , a lost sheep , he care for it .
7 All your commissions are paid the following week but when it comes to bonuses we we there is a slight delay , two two may be two to three months .
8 If he had been young , nothing would have kept him from joining the Tuscan troops but as it was , he felt an old man and useless .
9 We say more about the resolutions in the explanatory notes but if you have any queries about them please telephone our Shareholder Enquiry Office where the staff will be able to help you .
10 You 're the innocent bystanders but if they tighten things up .
11 He went on a while about the various tests but where he came out was that she 'd been dead for at least five days , and seven was perfectly possible .
12 That , that 's open to the general public but where I stand you have to have a membership card to go in there now , and er you pay two pound before the season started and er local traders give you a discount and things erm it 's just one way of er segregating the supporters if you like , but there does n't seem to be so much trouble since they 've done this , but at the same time there does n't seem to be as much atmosphere
13 We do not know the immediate solution but if it continues then Malone must go and we think that we could have an excellent player-manager in big Davy Jeffrey .
14 Recourse is already had to white papers and official reports not because they determine the meaning of the statutory words but because they assist the court to make its own determination .
15 The question is not just whether it criticizes the Conservative Party but when it criticizes the Conservative Party .
16 the American stuff but when you 're arrested you are always arrested on suspicion because in this country you are innocent until a cou a court proves you 're i er guilty , yeah ?
17 It was an elderly gypsy who had been sitting silently all evening , and the voice was as rough as the open road but when it sang the room became quiet .
18 Er , Mr Deputy Speaker I do n't have time to deal with the other points but if I 've missed anything in particular I will write to honourable members concerned .
19 You know often they do n't stay through the whole meeting but if they 've got specific points to bring up you know th you know it 's flexible really you know sort of depending on what 's going on really .
20 He should therefore have listened to representations made after the Act received the Royal Assent but before he actually exercised his discretion .
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