Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Those who changed back to shorter repayment periods , because in this example they carry the same total credit cost as longer ones , show what must be the widely-held feeling that , regardless of loan period , the lower the total cost of credit the better .
2 The symptom index was calculated as the number of times the symptom occurred when the pH was below four , divided by the total number of times the symptom was reported ; this quotient was then multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of symptoms associated with reflux .
3 In areas where farmsteads are the normal form of settlement the pattern is very dense on good land , such as at Hanbury in Worcestershire , and less dense in upland areas such as Exmoor and Dartmoor .
4 Instead of focusing on the narrow agenda of Delors the new Europe should be more forward looking .
5 On the broad canals of Yorkshire the locks were built to accommodate the sailing keels which were about 60 feet long and 14 feet wide .
6 The court found that the authority was an emanation of the state and referred to the European Court of Justice the questions of whether the dismissal of the applicant after reaching normal retirement age for a woman constituted discrimination prohibited by Council Directive ( 76/207/EEC ) and whether the applicant could rely on the directive in national courts notwithstanding any inconsistency between it and s. 6(4) of the Act of 1975 .
7 It gave the European Court of Justice the power to fine governments contravening EC law .
8 For the most part , the political history of Charles the Bald 's reign which is this book 's prime focus was the concern of an aristocratic elite .
9 Certain schools of thought hold , for instance , that the ancient Greek art of ‘ pankration ’ , brought to China by the invading armies of Alexander the Great , along with the martial art of Graeco-Roman wrestling , gave birth to some forms of kung fu .
10 In the Norman tapestry it was Halley 's Comet which bode ill : not , as it turned out , for the invading forces of William the Conqueror but for the defenders led by King Harold .
11 This cumbersome formulation has been dropped in the Vienna Sales Convention , which substitutes as the sole criterion of internationality the fact that the parties carry on business in different States , a formulation adopted in the U N Convention of Agency in the Sale of Goods and the Unidroit Conventions on International Factoring and International Financial Leasing .
12 You will have to put in fresh leafy stalks every day , take out the old stripped stems , and clear out the prodigious amounts of droppings the caterpillars produce .
13 In the frail beam of light the longish hair in separated locks gave an appearance of neglect almost greater than that suggested by his crushed trousers and crumpled jacket .
14 As I passed the palatial ship of Gharr the Gherpotean , I saw that it was shut up tight , with no sign of activity .
15 On the 23rd , however , even after percolating the softening filters of G.Q.G. the reports sounded so bad that Joffre was persuaded to dispatch his Assistant Chief of Staff , Colonel Claudel , to Verdun to make an on-the-spot report .
16 Is it my imagination or does the tranquil state of mind the car encourages contribute to these things ?
17 Having thought he was hungry , he now realized that actually he needed anything rather than the overflowing plate of cholesterol the canteen at New Scotland Yard had provided with such admirable promptness .
18 Murad 's successor , Bayezid I , was forced to turn his attention to the threat to his base in Asia Minor posed by the advance of the Mongol hordes of Timur the Lame ( Tamerlane ) .
19 But , in the strange case of Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine and the 1992 Brussels press conference , careless talk just costs .
20 If we look only at the output we may not learn anything , because if everyone is putting in the right amount of effort the system may still work in the same way as the arrow in the drawing does eventually find its way in the right direction .
21 There is a man seated on the right hand of God the Father , there interceding for you and for me .
22 As the road slithers around Milkovici and into the regional capital of Mostar the illusion is crushed under the weight of ruins .
23 Eriugena himself was never part of the Carolingian ecclesiastical establishment and worked directly under the private patronage of Charles the Bald .
24 The Andes of Peru , for example , provided animals like the llama and alpaca which were domesticated approximately 7 kyr BP , and in the Tehuacán Valley of Mexico the first permanent agricultural systems of the Americas were developed c. 8 or 9 kyr BP .
25 I can not forget the visits I paid to Norwich and sat quietly in the reconstructed cell of Julian the hermitess of Norwich , meditating on the Sixteen Shewings of Divine Love which she received in May 1373 .
26 Within the Labour League of Youth the YCL was able to maintain contact with the membership and the National Advisory Committee , particularly through the influence of Ted Willis and the Advance group .
27 Since the murderous excursions of Jack the Ripper in London 's East End some years ago , the patrolling of streets on both sides of the river had been strictly enforced , particularly on foggy nights .
28 During one of the indiscriminate assaults by the murderous flocks of birds the screaming inhabitants of the town ran to and fro in a vain attempt to ward off their attackers .
29 For example , it may come as something of a surprise to find that , during the English Civil War , the Parliamentarian party , which controlled London and the mint in the Tower , emphasised its legitimacy by continuing to issue coinage in the king 's name , whereas at the Royalist mint of Oxford the king 's coinage proclaims : ‘ RELIG PROT LEG ANG LIBER PAR ’ ( ’ The religion of the Protestants , the laws of England and the liberty of Parliament ’ ) .
30 Like Frank Sutcliffe at Whitby , Louisa lovingly recorded the vanishing way of life the ploughing horses , craftsmen in their dusty workshops , villagers trailing home behind the laden hay wagon , rakes on their shoulders .
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