Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I shall take great pleasure in saying to those to whom the hon. Gentleman wishes me to speak — here comes the opportunity that I mentioned earlier — that , as the chairman of Ford in Britain observed yesterday , Labour 's economic policies would prove suicidal for our economy .
2 Oh , well that the money that I found out my pocket and the payment granny gave me .
3 Ven uttered , and to her delight confessed , ‘ Well , there was that occasion when , after being disturbed by thoughts of you all night , I rang you at your hotel the next morning in the hope that I had n't disturbed you . ’
4 I therefore wrote to express the hope that I had not appeared to expect him to intervene ; that I did not necessarily disagree with what he said ; and that my underlying feeling was that the Baldwin government , though apparently trying to get rid of a bad king , might damage the monarchy at a time when a great international crisis seemed to be upon us .
5 What I am saying is not that culling is necessarily the right thing , but that these are genuine detailed practicable problems which must not be dismissed , as if they were easy , by solutions of the kind that I have just suggested .
6 That was er more or less the compartment that I worked in .
7 Erm I 've apologized to you , and particularly to the people who write the dictionary that I do n't actually know the opposite of deja vu but it 's what I 'm suffering from .
8 I 've just asked him about the collaborative review the focus is apparently on national curriculum so that means maths , English and , but they want to look ge more general issues and because they 're in on a Wens Tuesday and a Wednesday he said that they would go in a look at , three of them would go in a look at taught tutorial lessons they will want to talk to me about the tutorial programme I would hope that that would involve somebody else cos I 've got the bit of the fence that I sit on and ask one or two of you to give your opinion if , if you 're available .
9 It is £50 million more than the formula consequences of the England settlement , with the result that I have that much less available for other programmes .
10 Before I became involved in business , I really had very few goals — with the result that I did n't get very far .
11 ‘ So , what is the blackness that I feel inside ?
12 I wrote to the effect that I did indeed look forward to life with him , and that my guidelines for living were the same as his .
13 Despite Schlesinger 's claims that ‘ there was n't anything in the movie that I had n't seen in some way somewhere ’ and ‘ one was always confronted by something worse on the streets than one was putting into the film ’ , they were attention-getting elements , unabsorbed into the texture of the film .
14 The work that I find so hard will become easy , for it is my attitude and inner blocks that make such heavy weather of it .
15 But that 's what the flat machines do and that 's the machine that I invested in , very expensive , very versatile , they also knit , today they will also knit the Arran stitching .
16 — I told the Warden that I did n't want to go to no hospital but he never listened .
17 The truth is I pursued Lotta relentlessly , so lost in the thrill of the chase that I did n't realise until too late that we were entirely incompatible .
18 Is this the chicken that I saw earlier transformed into little breaded
19 I shall draw a comparison with the Act that I mentioned earlier , whose survival for so long is a sign of its success — that establishing the Office of Fair Trading .
20 I told the conference that I had not come into politics to preside over the destruction of the National Health Service and repeated the Government 's commitment to it .
21 I think the process that I 've just explained would allow that anyway , because what I would do , if I just go back over it again , supposing for argument 's sake by the end of February we 've agreed which one we think it 's going to be , we then I then go to the home .
22 Yet when I came to think about it , it was only the slang that I did n't quite understand .
23 On the basis that I do n't think you 've got any problem doing this and nor do you , you 're confident enough to do this job especially with your background .
24 I felt totally alienated from my body , the inferior female body that labelled me second-rate , the body that I did not ask to have .
25 In fact , I came to the conclusion that I looked rather good in glasses .
26 I return again to the point that I made originally — why is it that this vulnerable , waif-like , often frighteningly naive girl who always speaks her mind — but is after all only a pop singer — is taken seriously at all ?
27 Thank you , does touch on that issue and refers to the point that I made earlier that that the proposals having been referred to that policy and how it meets with er more work .
28 Judgment was given on the substance of the case in the following terms , at pp. 682–683 , picking up the point that I have already mentioned :
29 — as it takes into account the point that I have just made .
30 In the period that I mentioned there have been substantial further job losses in the coal industry and some further job losses in the steel industry .
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