Example sentences of "the [noun sg] had [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The teaching had to be simple and as there was no appropriate textbook , summary notes had to be dictated .
2 To do this successfully , the soldier had to be ready : he had to train in military skills which he might be called upon to use .
3 The Court of Appeal in Brown [ 1985 ] Crim LR 212 widened the Collins definition by holding that the entry had to be effective , but need not be substantial .
4 President Arístides Maria Pereira announced at an extraordinary congress of the PAICV on July 26 , 1990 , that he was stepping down as party leader as a first step towards the ending of one-party rule , declaring that the President had to be above party politics .
5 A few ground rules were established from the outset : the gear had to be new and non-custom , effectively straight off the rack .
6 The bid had to be hostile , and Tiphook , since it needed a rights issue to pay for its part of the deal , had to become a joint-bidder .
7 He hated getting his clothes dirty , but the effect had to be convincing .
8 Even Einstein , when he formulated the general theory of relativity in 1915 , was so sure that the universe had to be static that he modified his theory to make this possible , introducing a so-called cosmological constant into his equations .
9 To match their storming performances the actor playing the husband had to be forceful , too , and Peter Dayson is certainly that .
10 The group had to be single sex , she says .
11 The suit had to be practical , which in practice meant seven different suits for different functions ( some worn mainly by stuntmen ) and two more for his damaged appearance at the end .
12 In both cases the shock had to be overwhelming and painful in the extreme if it was to generate the civilizing consequences of respect for , and maintenance of , the great taboos of civilization .
13 The secret was in their attention to detail — everything from the feed to the ventilation in the lorry had to be right .
14 The day had to be bearable .
15 They were sparingly given , and the deed had to be exceptional for any award to be made ; many of the Carnegie Medals were given posthumously .
16 Second , several recent polls demonstrated that Labour ( or the Tories ) could gain a 2-3 per cent electoral bonus if they committed themselves to reform ; but one of them ( for the Rowntree Reform Trust ) carried the warning that a fudged position would not do ; the commitment had to be whole-hearted .
17 BP Oil senior managers now recognised that those involved in implementing the strategy had to be involved in creating it .
18 The anthropoid shell was fashioned to fit this cocoon , and consequently the plumber had to be close at hand and work quickly to bespoke his client .
19 The paper had to be independent , appealing to the new radicals , and to the working class .
20 Bill Knowles , the general manager of the Ipswich Co-op — who has been involved in talks with the NCP — said he was confident the scheme would go ahead but the timing had to be right .
21 The timing had to be exact .
22 The timing had to be strict to meet television requirements for the finish at about 5 p.m .
23 The likelihood is that had the matter come before the courts in the nineteenth century , they would have held that the mistake had to be reasonable , for it was generally considered at that time that mistake was a defence which would excuse a defendant from liability only where it was based on reasonable grounds .
24 As in the past , this normally involved a process of barter : to obtain information the ambassador had to be able and willing to give it in return .
25 Therefore he had to bribe Bull O'Malley , but the bribe had to be big enough and tempting enough for him to be unable to resist it .
26 As explained at that meeting the effort had to be ongoing .
27 The box had to be flat-packed but assembled without glue ; it had to be portable and reasonably waterproof .
28 The band has already shown it can knock out pop tunes a cover of Nancy Sinatra 's Kinky Love , for instance but the audience had to be prepared to indulge them a little .
29 At first instance , the judge held that the accommodation had to be appropriate and that no reasonable authority could have come to that conclusion in this case .
30 The image had to be trim , tidy and clean .
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