Example sentences of "the [noun sg] it have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And of the direction it has now taken .
2 Having liquidated one in four employees during the past few years and having promised to treat its workforce to more of the same during 1993 , IBM should have surprised no one by investing some of the money it has presumably saved in an organisation formed by the people who produced the most recent Terminator film .
3 Perhaps no player has ever been quite as competitive as Botham , and if his combativeness has led him into trouble off the field it has generally worked in his favour on it — except when he has refused to part with the ball despite not bowling well , or when he has holed out in the deep when a more circumspect approach was required .
4 Frank Spencer had endeared himself to so many people that Crawford 's wish to leave the character behind was tempered by the pleasure it had clearly brought .
5 Whenever one organism promotes the fitness of another at its own expense and without reciprocal benefit to itself or benefit to its own genes present in the recipient it has perforce performed an act of induced altruism .
6 It did n't last ; Spandau and Duran , along with Culture Club and Wham ! , became future corporate Live Aid company rockers , 1980s pop lost its ABC-style irony and became the commodity it had always mocked .
7 Now at the moment it 's still got its headed form set , up here somewhere .
8 Wise Speke 's performance showed that although stockbroking commissions had increased by £400,000 in the period it had only managed to break even .
9 Literally , this meant the rule of power of the best , but the meaning it has since acquired is not at all accidental .
10 It was not bonded to those below it by the neat filling of soil and small growth that bound all the rest , though it lay aligned precisely to fill the place it had surely filled for a year or more .
11 Thirty minutes since Dominic had gone inside that room … time enough for a readjustment of ideas , time enough to let resentment flood back to the place it had just left .
12 come and watch the news it 's just started
13 It was two months later that she told me of her problem and the discomfort it had previously caused her .
14 Its not-very-complicated mind was trying to come to terms with the fact that the shape of the nomes — two arms , two legs , a head at the top — was a shape it associated with humans and had learnt to avoid , but the size was the size it had always thought of as a mouthful .
15 Perhaps the centralised structure of the company is no longer suited to the size it has now reached .
16 ‘ The meeting of two causal series , the real series of the war and the imaginary series of Bolshevik politics , lent Bolshevism the reality it had always lacked . ’
17 When William and George Loddiges joined their father in the nursery it had already established an international reputation and had introduced many new plants to British gardens .
18 Her eyes bleak , she surveyed her small domain that , instead of the retreat it had once represented , was now a prison .
19 Time , now Henry was forty , did not proceed in the way it had previously done .
20 But along the way it had all got fouled up .
21 In terms of the political system , it can be said to provide the means by which a government is chosen but , despite the results of the 1983 general election , the extent to which it will continue to be capable of providing a government ( at least in the way it has previously done ) remains under question .
22 Ousley 's quite happy with the way it has all panned out ‘ because MIPS did n't have the wherewithal to do all it said it could .
23 But beyond all this , Malham goes about its business of being a living Dales village , with its farms and farmers , its village hall and little shops , very much in the way it has always done .
24 On the other hand , the numerous developments and debates of the decade had not persuaded a single country to shift from the position it had originally adopted on the European question in the 1940s .
25 The hammer continues upwards , using the energy it had initially acquired , until it hits the string .
26 In addition it was to be hoped that Max could come up with some fairly definite cause of death ; and it was even possible ( if only just ) that the surgeon might throw caution to the wind for once and volunteer a tentative approximation of the time it had actually happened .
27 It 's just started to get dark but by the time it 's just started to get
28 The powerful Banking Association reportedly welcomed the treaty as an important step in improving Panama 's international image despite the fact it had successfully lobbied to preserve regulations guaranteeing banking secrecy which the USA had wanted removed .
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