Example sentences of "the [noun sg] is [conj] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 YOU can do you part to help this project by making known to class members when and where the course is and PLEASE do hold membership drives in your classes , many of you have had excellent results in the past , although we know that others do find it very difficult to ‘ sell ’ membership , but you can still ‘ whip up ’ some enthusiasm if you try .
2 The second vulnerable industrial sector identified in the study is that also characterised by high non-tariff barriers , but where there is currently very little intra-EC trade .
3 The rest of the specifications are in the specifications box — extract from them what is of interest to you , but take it from me that the machine is as well specified as any at this price .
4 The reasons for this hunt will become clearer in the next chapters ; for now the point is that even flies , which might traditionally have been regarded as stupid , with tiny brains of no more than 20,000 neurons , turned out to be able , under the appropriate circumstances , to learn and remember .
5 Few witnesses in court refuse ‘ to tell the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth ’ on the grounds that they do n't know what the truth is or how to tell it .
6 The packs include essential advice such as always making sure you know where the baby is sleeping , where the phone is and how to contact parents in an emergency .
7 The king is but rarely mentioned even in the archive tablets , where the preoccupation is with lists of offerings and the deities and sanctuaries to which they were dedicated .
8 It is important that you know where the stopcock is and how to turn it off .
9 Press and television in Africa are generally allowed more freedom of expression than is radio , and one suspects that the reason is that already mentioned : the elitist fear of uneducated people listening to radio and being ‘ misinformed ’ or ‘ confused ’ .
10 The reason is that physically removing a weed , especially a perennial , is quite final , while one hoed out and simply left on the surface can easily root in again , especially in wet weather .
11 Yet again , the idea is that once created the watch is self-sufficient and requires no further help from its divine craftsperson .
12 In making drills for practice , you first of all have to decide what the problem is and then design a drill to overcome it .
13 It is quite another thing to assess how out of balance the individual is and how to set about restoring the balance .
14 I think you have to see what the system is and then see how you get it to work for yourself .
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