Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and [adj] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The scientific developments have been created by co-operation between the service provider , the service consumer and the expert and this has been our approach .
2 Hence there was only a requirement for access from the south and this has been provided by utilising the existing slip road from Clovenstone Roundabout on Westerhailes Road for traffic joining the bypass and travelling south and by forming a new connection into Baberton Mains View for northbound traffic leaving the bypass .
3 Even after all the forest and common has been enclosed , this often leaves characteristic triangular field boundary arrangements .
4 Peter Gibson , Clwyd 's director of development and tourism , said : ‘ Andre sought to achieve re-vegetation of eroded areas using plant material native to the site and this has been achieved through the use of the vacuum cleaner to collect natural seed from the site . ’
5 Of 100 patients who underwent successful percutaneous cholecystolithotomy , two have died unrelated to the procedure and six have been lost to follow up having left the country .
6 Of course drugs is , is one of the wonderful examples that the very thing that Katherine was talking about , something that was n't there in the beginning and that has been produced by modern technology and is now a big problem , but is not a problem to Australian Aborigines because they do n't have any drugs er to speak of , of course now they do and alcohol is a terrible problem with Australian Aborigines I talked to David McKnight about it .
7 Both were released on police bail until the end of the month and neither has been charged .
8 The importance of advocacy in mental health services has been emphasised by the government and this has been reflected in a growth in advocacy projects such as patients ' councils and schemes for individual advocates in hospitals .
9 A spokesman for Durham Constabulary said three people were arrested following the incident and all have been released , one of them on police bail .
10 No further work has taken place for a number of weeks , the barriers have fallen down , one of the warning lights has been thrown into the river and another has been thrown into the hedge several times .
11 According to Libyan opposition groups in exile , thousands of people were arrested during the year and 20 had been secretly executed in early May , after a speech by Kadhafi on April 8 urging his supporters in the revolutionary committees to purge " reactionary elements ' , and not to be inhibited in doing so by the " International Green Document for Peace and Human Rights in the Era of the Masses ' adopted in June 1988 ( see p. 36570 ) .
12 All the newly trained operatives have an equal share in the running of the unit and all have been involved from its conception .
13 Two seemingly conflicting letters had been issued by the CIOR and those had been compounded by a third ‘ interpretation ’ issued to regional managers by the then director of operations for BR , Ivor Warburton .
14 We always knew there were many first-class journalists in the region and this has been borne out by the contributions . ’
15 Although probably built as a row by some Victorian property magnate , all the houses were slightly different from the front and all had been built on to or extended differently at the back .
16 Even so , the larger features in Figure 9.3 are visible from the Earth and many have been observed to hardly change over the 100 or so years for which Jupiter has been subject to extensive and continuous observation with powerful telescopes .
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