Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of the [noun] when " in BNC.

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1 In many cases , as where the persons entitled are not of age , or not yet in existence , or not to be found , an executor or administrator will have to retain the property in his hands for a considerable time , though he may sometimes relieve himself by a payment or transfer into court , and in any case he can obtain the direction of the courts when doubts arise as to the proper course which he should take .
2 AFTER the euphoria of the day when the Wall came tumbling down , comes the hangover as the Bush Administration tries to work out what to do next in eastern Europe .
3 Amazingly , the euphoria of the moment when Jim Milligan secured his vital ½ point is still there to be savoured .
4 Bourdieu wonders how structural anthropologists could be seduced into positing the existence of the rule when informants were just using it as a strategy .
5 On the afternoon of the day when her father had refused to buy her a book , Matilda set out all by herself to walk to the public library in the village .
6 She had just reached the foot of the stairs when she saw Ben entering the yard ; and when she stepped from the doorway he called towards her , ‘ Been on a tour of inspection , then ? ’
7 The VISCOUNT system itself was enlarged in the course of the year when a further three English regional library bureaux joined .
8 ( Peru : the very name arose from a misunderstanding on the part of the Spaniards when Indians told them the name of a river : originally , it was known simply as ‘ New Castille ’ . )
9 Three years earlier , Churchill had signalled a similar acceptance on the part of the Tories when he said , ‘ Party differences are now in practice mainly those of emphasis ’ ( quoted Gilmour , 1977 , p. 20 ) .
10 Feeling shaken rigid , she watched him move to sit on the side of the bed when , to her further distress , even while his breathing was ragged , she saw him grab up his shirt and trousers .
11 What will be the new proper numbers of the agents at the side of the page when now stands for 8 ?
12 ‘ The end of the sixties came as a kind of incredible collapse ’ , wrote Haynes , ‘ a collapse of hope , and of the innocence and the naïveté of the decade when everyone felt we were changing the world . ’
13 At seven-thirty she had started the engine of the Subaru when he came running out of the house .
14 How was it that one of the exiled sons of Aethelfrith was so close at hand ( and another not far behind ) and in a position to assume the kingship of the Bernicians when Eadwine fell ?
15 Bonhoeffer returned to Germany , but found himself in conflict with the mood of the times when identified with Hitler 's arrogance and brutality .
16 He has more than likely planned the expedition for the half of the day when it is not Northumberland Avenue 's turn for heating .
17 He indicated that , without specific application to children 's hearings , the nature of the children 's hearings system ‘ leaves [ it ] outside the benefit of this Bill ’ , and he added : ‘ It would be wrong to deny them the benefit of the Bill when , if they had committed serious offences and appeared before the courts , they would have had its protection . ’
18 The unnamed man , 34 , had just turned the ignition of the Mercedes when it exploded .
19 Lord Donaldson , a former Master of the Rolls , who is to investigate tanker movements , will face demands for a full open inquiry into the grounding of the Braer when he arrives in Shetland on a fact-finding visit today .
20 This tripartite distinction , easy to uphold on the grounds of typography , is complicated , however , by the fact that fragments of the italicized Lord 's Prayer passage find themselves brought in from the right-hand margin to form part of the body of the text when , further truncated , they make up the liturgical stutter of
21 With these primitive materials the native painted those elements of his surroundings belonging to the mythology of the Dreamtime when the earth was fashioned and the life thereon : snakes , birds , fish , turtles , crocodiles , and humans , all depicted in a rich and decorative formalised style .
22 We tend to play at the point of the evening when the temperature drops , so I tune up just before Bryan goes on and then after three or four songs they 're all sharp , because the temperature has dropped .
23 The manager identifies the period of the day when staffing levels require uplift .
24 It was lack of emergency cover combined with the pressures of limited time that largely dictated the period of the year when training was undertaken .
25 It appeared that the officer had been admiring the fish swimming about in the water of the Orne when a Royal Marine Commando asked him if he would like some for his supper .
26 The improvements ensure there will be a major venue for pop concerts while the Edinburgh Playhouse is out of commission this summer for refurbishment , and for the rest of the year when Les Miserables will be in residence .
27 And the rest of the time when we 're facing away from Hello Mrs Lawrence .
28 The free wine really did put everyone in the right mood for the rest of the evening when you could sit back and be entertained or dance to the disco music outside on the terrace .
29 Elsewhere , they could be established at the discretion of the LGB when ‘ distress ’ was deemed to be suitably acute .
30 The Gnomes were very interested in this ; as Flaherty said , you could not know too much about these things , although it was a pig 's pity that such a jewel could n't be worn by the King of the day when he went about his reigning , because was n't that the purpose of crowns and jewels anyway ?
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