Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun] than [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Booth and Rowntree were more concerned with getting the measure of poverty than with trying to devise a general theory about it .
2 This is even more important in the case of homoeopathy than in the case of conventional medicine , because without an understanding of the different levels and aspects of the living being it is difficult to appreciate the differences in attitude between homoeopathy and the conventional approach .
3 I do this not only because the issues are easier to grasp in the case of perception than in the case of voluntary movement , but also because neurophysiologists of movement are less prone to wild claims than neurophysiologists of perception : most of the former would admit that we do not yet have the faintest idea how voluntary activity is able to utilize or over-ride reflex pathways ; how we mobilize so-called ‘ motor programmes ’ when we need them ; or even where in the nervous system voluntary movement is initiated .
4 It should perhaps be added that , although neither the National Health Service nor the education system is exclusive in the sense of prohibiting private provision , the prestige and importance of independent provision is immensely greater in the field of education than in that of health .
5 The greatest contribution outside powers can make in creating a climate for peace lies less in the field of diplomacy than in that of law observance .
6 They are also exempt from the demands of examination passing , assessment , and certification , that I believe have a more distorting effect in the teaching of literature than in other academic areas .
7 Talk that night was less of the glory of Gower than of the intricacies of the Aqib Affair .
8 Their conception of literature differed from his , however , on at least one fundamental point : they were much less interested in the experience of reading than in the objective features of the medium , the literary text itself ; and they therefore spent much less time on evaluation than on description and analysis .
9 I guess he thought it safer to ask me there over the noise of the engine and in the babble of conversation than in some quiet spot alone , where we might be bugged .
10 But its characteristics were more at the level of perception than of narrative : peripheral vision ; proximity to the image ; and massive amplification of sound .
11 Perhaps because they were the first in the field , or more probably for deeply rooted socio-political reasons , the classicists have never been seriously challenged — theories have come and theories have gone but the belief in the control function of management has remained — even more so at the level of practice than of theory , although at that level , some insights can be gained .
12 It is not inconceivable that a dedicated Marxist might be more interested in the long-term plan for the collapse of capitalism than in the survival of the corporation with which he works .
13 Hall was apt to be described as ‘ a tough-as-nails reporter with a marshmallow centre ’ , though in her ‘ Dear Unity ’ role , the emphasis was rather on the concoction of sympathy than on the cutting edge of insight .
14 Actual attacks on humans are rare so far and more likely to be the work of strays than of truly feral animals .
15 The human figure always played a much more important part in the work of Picasso than in that of Braque , and Picasso looked with particular interest at Cézanne 's figure work .
16 Indeed , Darwin 's proposal is much better seen as a theory about the origin of adaptations than as a theory about the origin of species .
17 sanctimonious self-righteous people , from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning .
18 The vitriolic anonymous letter he despatched to The Bell in the summer of 1858 had much less to do with the half-hearted way in which the government was handling the question of emancipation than with the way in which the regime proposed to run the empire after emancipation had been achieved .
19 In general , the Buid place far more stress on the process of growth than on the acts of planting seed or of conceiving children .
20 Nowadays we may respond more readily to the sharpness of actuality than to the romantic atmosphere more natural to the adventure story in the past .
21 For example , the historian who is studying a parish in the Sussex Weald might get more enlightenment from an analysis of the economy and social structure of a wood-pasture community in the Forest of Arden than from a comparable study of a nearby parish on the South Downs , which might offer some rewarding contrasts but few points of similarity .
22 That tells me much more about the behaviour of Oppositions than about the behaviour of Governments .
23 In other words , the industry is concerned less with the cleverness of technology than with using it to confer value on information and so create products that customers will want to buy .
24 For British television drama , for instance , and for American television drama till the mid-fifties , a particular combination of live studio technology and a respect for theatrical naturalism placed time and space more at the service of performance than of narrative logic , seeking a continuity — rather than an interruptability — of time and space in which the actor could unfold the truth of the performance , or , more practically , in which mistakes on the studio floor could be minimized .
25 It is a process which has led universities — some of them at least — to appear to be driven less by the pursuit of knowledge than by the pursuit of funding .
26 This article will also be concerned with empirical approaches to literary response ( also more common practice in the rest of Europe than in the UK ) .
27 The figures harmonise more readily with the arrangement of decoration than in many of the earlier examples .
28 It was 1859 before Alexander gave reformers their head by granting them control of the Editing Commissions , and by then the prestige of the throne would have suffered far more from the abandonment of emancipation than from allowing a version of it to go through .
29 We also have an over-compassionate bench and judiciary more concerned with the theory of justice than with its practical implementation .
30 In fact the Colosseum has suffered less from the depredations of the barbarians and the weathering of time than from its use in the Middle Ages as a fortress and later as a quarry by Renaissance builders ( 91 and 121 ) .
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