Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun] [Wh adv] a " in BNC.

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1 They are making an appeal for £3.5 million in order that it can be rehoused at the University of Cambridge where a special facility is going to be added to the university library .
2 Although the guidebook says it 's E2 5c , this is the kind of climb where a grade lacking some type of ‘ stomach shuffle component means it is n't that relevant .
3 It could be argued that home-school links is precisely the kind of issue where a generalized LEA policy is least appropriate , since the chemistry of relationships between each school 's staff and its parents is a unique and subtle matter , hardly conducive to centrally determined procedures .
4 The following two case studies show the kind of situation where a family meeting is a helpful part of the social work plan .
5 It 's just the kind of situation where a man feels he 's the only guy in the world who does n't know the form and it 's embarrassing .
6 In other words , if we choose coordinates so that the linearised flow near the origin takes the form we can use these equations to work out the point on the side of B where a trajectory emerges from B if it starts at a point on the top face of B. ( We assume that the box B is a cube with faces which are part of the planes .
7 Noting that the Marxist classics attribute great importance to the possibility of replacing officials , Hegedus argues that ‘ for the most part , administration involves the sort of functions where a planned rotation of official personnel is expedient not only for the sake of opposing bureaucratic tendencies but also for the sake of greater efficiency ’ .
8 What I wanted was an area marked ‘ The sort of place where an average girl out on her own wo n't get mugged or raped and she can get a cheap bed for the night , no questions asked . ’
9 In Leaf v International Galleries , Denning LJ ( as he then was ) expressed the view that the right to rescind for misrepresentation can not survive beyond the point of time when a right to reject for breach of condition is lost .
10 at the beginning of courses when a new intake arrives
11 Indeed its members often denied that they belonged to any ‘ group ’ ; they were , they said , primarily friends , with certain family connections , who found some definition ( and their group name ) from the district of London where a number of them lived .
12 There was no message from the police captain , and he was on the point of leaving again for the City of Dreams when a rickshaw , its linen sunscreens pulled down around the passenger seat , rushed into the square and stopped by him , blocking his path .
13 Though the number of cases where a link between HIV/AIDS and child sexual abuse has been made is relatively small , the long-term implications can not be ignored .
14 It was primarily David Hume who highlighted the problem of understanding how a coherent , ego-based mental life could emerge from bundles of ‘ impressions ’ and ‘ ideas ’ .
15 No doubt this pattern of mortality will be influenced by the ageing of generations where a large percentage of women have smoked .
16 This is a specimen of our dressing rooms , but not by far the worst , as I know of one in the North of England where a corner of the floor is submerged in filth and water .
17 In 756 Cynewulf was able to seize the kingdom from Sigeberht , confining him to the region of Hampshire where a swineherd slew him at Privett ( ASC A , s.a. 755 ) ; but he was obliged in 756–7 to witness Aethelbald 's grant of land in Wiltshire to Abbot Eanberht ( CS 181 : S 96 ) .
18 It is thought that the defence is most relevant in the context of take-overs where a merchant bank may build up a stake in a target company for a prospective bidder .
19 The most obvious and tangible eftect of economic TNPs is the creation of jobs when a foreign corporation opens a factory or an office abroad .
20 They assemble initially in their own chamber from where they are eventually summoned by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod to attend at the Bar of the House of Lords where a Commission for the Opening of Parliament is read , usually by the Lord Chancellor , on behalf of the monarch .
21 However , Ms Mountford took her case to the House of Lords where a dramatic reversal in judicial policy took place .
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