Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun] [conj] with " in BNC.

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1 Meeting as the San José VI Group [ see p. 35892 ] Foreign Ministers of the five Central American countries as at Montelimar , with the addition of Panama and with Foreign Ministers from Colombia , Mexico and Venezuela in attendance , met with their counterparts from the 12 European Community ( EC ) member countries in the Irish capital , Dublin , on April 9-10 .
2 Booth and Rowntree were more concerned with getting the measure of poverty than with trying to devise a general theory about it .
3 The newly developing notions of individualism , associated with the rise of capitalism and with the successive struggles of men to become citizens of their state , excluded women who remained non-persons .
4 The whole process of rationalising the RNR will be progressed in conjunction with the Ministry of Defence and with the RNR itself and it will make proposals .
5 Links with the University of Moscow and with the Universities of Zagreb , Belgrade and Ljubljana have been established over many years .
6 Those who are not teachers , whether they are concerned with the good of society or with the good of certain individual children , will even more certainly look to what happens after school if they are to be satisfied with what goes on in school itself .
7 So Kimon 's campaigns , which culminated in the victory over Persia at the River Eurymedon in Pamphylia , show continuity not just with Miltiades the enemy of Persia but with Miltiades the founder of an overseas Athenian Empire .
8 This chapter analyses the problems associated with the relocation of organisations and with individuals moving within Britain and overseas .
9 Jilinski , however , seemed oblivious to Samsonov 's ever more perilous situation , and as late as 26 August — when the hapless Samsonov was just about to be engulfed from all sides — he commanded Rennenkampf to employ two corps for the investment of Königsberg and with the rest of his army to press on to the Vistula .
10 Palaeontological work has largely been concerned with Mesozoic and Tertiary studies in support of the petroleum geology programme for the Department of Energy and with particular problems of Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphy .
11 We do not know how much this was due to poor manufacturing standards or poor pilots , but in any event the authorities dispensed with Tank 's services and he went off to Egypt and then India , where he designed the Hal-Marut , a plane suitable for twice the speed of sound but with engines capable only of less than half that speed .
12 They believed in progress , in a certain amount of representative government , a certain amount of civil rights and liberties , so long as these were compatible with the rule of law and with the kind of order which kept the poor in their place .
13 Any other arrestable offence may be serious if its commission has led to or is likely to lead to : ( a ) serious harm to the security of the state or public order ; ( b ) serious interference with the administration of justice or with the investigation of offences ; ( c ) death ; ( d ) serious injury ; ( e ) substantial financial gain or serious financial loss .
14 Section 38(1) allows this : ( I ) if necessary to substantiate a name or address ; ( 2 ) if the custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing this is necessary : ( i ) for the suspect 's own protection ; ( ii ) to prevent him from causing physical injury to any other person ; ( iii ) to prevent loss or damage to property ; ( iv ) to ensure his appearance in court ; ( v ) to prevent interference with the administration of justice or with the investigation of offences ; ( vi ) juveniles can also be detained in custody if the custody officer believes this to be in the juvenile 's own interests .
15 Arrangements are possible in appropriate cases for joint supervision with otherdepartments in the Faculty of Divinity and with departments elsewhere in the University concerned with non-Western cultures .
16 And to attribute knowledge of Truth to the voice of conscience in this way , or to the religious and ethical criteria of a particular form of life , inevitably brings Gandhi face to face with the problem of the relativity of truth and with the question whether under the circumstances one is justified in talking about absolute Truth at all .
17 sanctimonious self-righteous people , from the name given to an extremist religious sect among the Jews at the time of Christ who seemed more concerned with forms and outward observances prescribed by the Law of Moses than with any inward and spiritual meaning .
18 He then writes that in the early part of 821/early 1418 , Molla Fenari appointed his younger son , Sinan al-Din Yusuf Bali Celebi ( Yusuf Bali ) , as naib for the kadilik of Bursa and with his elder son , Muhyi " l-Din Muhammad Shah Celebi ( Mehmed Sah Fenari ) , went directly to Egypt where he spent Ramadan at the Zayniyya medrese and awaited the arrival of Seyh Zeyneddin , with whom he subsequently made the pilgrimage in 822 , departing from , and returning to , Jerusalem .
19 Grants are available for a wide range of capital investments and the rates do not appear to vary with the type of investment but with the nature of the production system ( average rates of 22.4% for milk cows , 28.3% for beef cows and 31.2% for sheep units in the Auvergne ) and the LFA zone ( 34.0% in the ‘ montagne ’ and ‘ piedmont ’ ; 28.5% in the ‘ hors montagne ’ and 21. 1 % outside the LFA ) .
20 The vitriolic anonymous letter he despatched to The Bell in the summer of 1858 had much less to do with the half-hearted way in which the government was handling the question of emancipation than with the way in which the regime proposed to run the empire after emancipation had been achieved .
21 It has all the goodness of liver but with virtually all the moisture , fibre and fat taken out .
22 I have spoken of the point of contact but with the proper grip it will be much easier .
23 Hedges have been pulled out , stone walls pulled down , all for the sake of productivity and with not a whimper of opposition from successive governments .
24 Charles was determined to string Edward III along with fine words until he had recovered the hostages from England and settled accounts with the Duke of Brittany and with Charles of Navarre .
25 How has a Montpellier fishwife so mastered the art of composition that with her basket of fish for the bouillabaisse she is presenting a picture of such splendour that instead of going to look at the famous collection of paintings in the Musée Fabre you drive off as fast as possible to the coast to order a dish cooked with just such fish ?
26 In other words , the industry is concerned less with the cleverness of technology than with using it to confer value on information and so create products that customers will want to buy .
27 Of its relationship with the rest of Europe and with contemporary history , something similar could be written .
28 To summarise , these biological and psychological theories hold that the criminal is a particular type of person , apart from the rest of society and with a special predisposition toward criminal behaviour .
29 In early January 1990 meetings were held with the Foreign Ministers of Nepal and Sri Lanka , with the King of Bhutan and with Pakistani envoys [ see pp. 37184-85 ; 37356 ; 37357 ; 37183-84 ] .
30 That basis would provide grounds for an acquittal of the charge of theft if the word ‘ appropriates ’ in section 1(1) connotes an absence of consent by the owner , and the appellant presented his argument on the meaning of that subsection , at p. 630a , in the same way as in the Court of Appeal and with the same unsuccessful result .
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