Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [Wh adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Now I had the difficulty of how to collect the owl .
2 In both countries the following decades were to be dominated by the issue of how to put the railways on a sound financial footing .
3 Ultimately , however , the talks foundered on the issue of how to reform the Senate , the unelected upper house of the federal legislature .
4 Such a modest objective perhaps seemed prudent given the way the issue of how to increase the proportion of women at the very top already seems to have run into so many brick walls .
5 As with the centesimal system the time will depend on the acuteness of the symptoms , the chronicity of the complaint and the vitality of the patient but there has always been the question of when to repeat the remedy if the response is insufficient having regard to the severity of the symptoms .
6 From the enhanced provision of electronic delivery by the Document Supply Centre to a huge programme for retrospectively converting music , map and manuscript catalogues which have been created over a period of more than one hundred and fifty years , to the question of how to extend the provisions of the Copyright Act 1911 to include legal deposit of digital publications , the Library faces a formidable set of tasks arising from the electronic revolution .
7 The question of how to resolve the fear which so many people have in Hong Kong was omitted , ’ said Peter Harris , a political scientist .
8 Various policy initiatives have addressed the question of how to reverse the decay , deprivation and industrial degeneration of a century .
9 The conference also reached an agreement on the question of how to reform the federal Senate .
10 He adds : ‘ There 's a specialist unit at the [ Inland Revenue ] looking at the question of how to attack the schemes .
11 ‘ I taught Jimmy the sensation of where to expect the serve of an opponent , plus where to plan to return that shot .
12 A large assembly of bishops and priests declared that Lothar lacked " the knowledge of how to govern the state " , and had fled " by a just Judgement of God , first from the battle-field and then from his own realm " .
13 The choice of where to hold the party usually comes down to the home or a local hall .
14 The timing of when to do the turn is particularly important in anything other than in dead flat water , since the slope of even the smallest wave can be used to bank off , thereby helping to maintain speed .
15 This is not to deny that it is an intelligent reaction , and that the sense of when to trust the analogy between present and former situations is in some individuals very intelligent indeed , but there is nothing in that to distinguish it from the other insights and hunches by which we instantaneously synthesize similarities and differences too fine and complex to be analysed before a change in the situation obliterates them .
16 A single corner window presents the problem of where to allow the curtain to hang during daylight .
17 In Northern Office Microcomputer ( Pty ) Ltd. v Rosenstein [ 1982 ] , a South African case , the problem of where to draw the line was considered .
18 For all the eight years I attended school in Parma there was always the problem of where to eat the midday meal at that time no school in Italy provided lunches .
19 IT 'S killer bee time in the States and smart federal scientists have spent $100,000 working on the problem of how to track the swarms that ravage farming and kill anything in their way .
20 Draw your own diagram and see if the problem of how to lay the pipes can be solved .
21 The second feature which offers the possibility of overcoming the problem of how to incorporate the rich and exciting range of activities we would like , is the move to planning the curriculum as a progression of learning from 5–16 ( hopefully eventually 3–21 ) .
22 This leaves the problem of how to explain the microwave background radiation .
23 The creation of a pattern of land ownership , through field systems , whereby some if not all land was held individually rather than collectively , was a ‘ solution ’ to the problem of how to organize the production of the means of reproduction .
24 He also admitted that Sputniks did not solve the problem of how to defend the country .
25 The 26 environmental groups that make up the Everglades Coalition say the agreement does not go far enough , failing to tackle the problem of how to restore the natural rise and fall of water in the swamps , which has been disrupted by dikes , canals and other human intervention .
26 To return to the problem of how to continue the theme after the first phrase is formed : the simplest solution is to repeat the first phrase exactly as it is .
27 But officers were then immediately faced with the problem of how to implement the decision through DHAs not convinced that it could be done .
28 ‘ Dr Traber added that ‘ for both the media and the theologians , the problem of how to see the world with new eyes should be tackled first by a removal of ideological blinkers which have been worn for so long . ’
29 First , there is the problem of how to integrate the fragmented educational administration ; and second , how to put into effect a new curriculum to replace the South African one .
30 The 1988–89 Committee spent a long time agonising over the problem of how to keep the broadcasters at arms length , so that their editors would not be able to provide the signal in ways that might be journalistically attractive but would be repugnant to Members .
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