Example sentences of "the [noun sg] as [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now say for instance that because of the minimum solvency er agreement the employers have got to pay whatever their loss is , and if and I asked this question of the T U C that if there was a situation of where the employees were in the majority and forget the pension regulator , because there was a regulator anyway , so you can add whatever name that y you liked to have , but the fraud still went on , but say the employees were in the majority as far as the trustees is concerned and they were in full control and the control was taken away from the employers and there was a a federation of the hundred and twenty eight thousand with a central fund paying off heavy loss of any minimum solvencies , then surely that would be the ideal situation in order to safeguard , because when I asked Goodey himself when he submitted his report , he said they could not give any categ categorical assurance that nobody could defraud in any scheme under the proposals he 's made .
2 Ruether does not think in terms of a God who is transcendent above history and acts as an agent in history ; and this we might say lets her off the hook as far as the theodicy question is concerned .
3 On the other hand erm if you 're looking at , obviously sometimes our members felt that there was a benefit , at least the employer was n't getting , was n't getting off the hook as far as the matter was concerned , the matter arising was concerned , and therefore he was left with a problem just the same as we were .
4 The branch of the walnut tree is striking the cottage as rhythmically as an oar striking the river .
5 Music played softly in the background , haunting melodies of old Charles Trenet songs that soothed the senses , softening the harshness of chattering voices and the clinking of glass and crockery , insinuating themselves into the mind as stealthily as an incoming tide seeps into crevices between rocks .
6 The new industry of salmon-farming has filled the gap as far as the scavenging gulls are concerned : the rearing cages are placed in the sheltered bays and ‘ sounds ’ between the islands and are fed on high-protein , manufactured food in pellet form , which are ferried out in sacks by small boats .
7 It is clear , furthermore , that Categories 1 and 2 do not impose an evidential burden on the defendant as far as the consent issue is concerned , for generally speaking , where the defence seeks to do no more than deny the prosecution 's assertion , it is entitled to have its claims placed before the jury .
8 A further exploration with von Wissmann in 1939 took him from Aden , through the almost unknown highlands to the north-east as far as the Wadi Jirdan and on into Hadhramaut , the results appearing in his Aden to the Hadhramaut ( 1947 ) .
9 He established trading connections with the sultan of Kedah , by whom he was offered in 1771 the port and the coast as far as the island of Penang in return for help against the Bugis of Selangor .
10 Secondly , if the tenant is entitled to break at a specified date linked to a rent review , the effect of the break-clause may be to make time of the essence as far as the review is concerned ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 at 77 , 98 ) .
11 Now , erm , yes , I 'd like to pick up a comment made by the Director , erm , he said quite rightly that the prevention factor is really out of the window as far as the budget is concerned , and pro as far as operations are concerned .
12 At ten o'clock each evening , except in the very worst weather , Francis and his dog took their walk along the waterfront as far as the yacht marina and returned by the street .
13 As early as 1707 Hugh , first Earl of Cholmondeley [ q.v. ] , was advised by a surveyor in London that the Smiths did a ‘ great deal of busness in the Contry and they have done a great deal of work thearabout & in Warwick you may easy hear of them ’ ; and when in the 1730s Sarah , Duchess of Marlborough [ q.v. ] , was building a house as far away as Wimbledon , Surrey , she stipulated that ‘ Mr. Smith of Warwickshire the Builder may be employed to make Contracts and to Measure the Work and to doe every thing in his Way that is necessary to Compleat the Work as far as the Distance he is at will give him leave to do . ’
14 Leaving this area of the house behind her , she ran down the passage as far as the open pantry door .
15 I tracked the boy as far as the factory , but there it ended .
16 If a car suddenly swerves round the corner while I am standing in the middle of the road , the right thing for me to do is to jump for the pavement as spontaneously as a cat .
17 He edged from the room as swiftly as the impeding furniture would let him , through the door which led straight onto the staircase to the upper storey .
18 It is important , however , to stress the instrumental character of the prosperity of the business as far as the shareholders are concerned , since otherwise a discontinuity between the ‘ enterprise interest ’ and the interests of the shareholders is liable to be concealed .
19 Melissa recalled Juliette 's words : ‘ He could slip through the forest as silently as a cat . ’
20 Did he not suspend Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to the right as intrepidly as the ‘ liberal ’ ex-Abbot of St Paul's-without-the-walls , Giovanni Franzoni ?
21 He ran up the street and through the town as far as the main road , where he saw a sign that told him it was just seventy miles from there to London .
22 Ipswich could have taken the lead as early as the second minute , when Steve Whitton picked up a poor clearance by Nigel Spink and cracked a drive just wide from 25 yards .
23 Making love , walking the dog or knocking a squash ball about will do the job as effectively as a stiff drink , and they are less likely to hasten your demise .
24 Small stones , sticking to the rim , became dislodged and at one point were tumbling down the curve as quickly as the wheel was rising , giving the appearance of effervescence .
25 Moreover , since it is said in a context where Adam has just manifestly failed to react to the punch-line as quickly as the set of other students , the speaker ( given this type of speaker to this type of hearer in this type of surroundings ) will be assumed not to be intending to tell an untruth , but to be implicating the opposite of what she has said .
26 The mosaic extends the length of the nave as far as the presbytery , into the apse , and down the two arms of the transept and survives as a visual encyclopedia of the medieval mind .
27 She saw the cows between the posts , the sun throwing their shadows on the wall as carefully as a painter paints a beautiful king or queen .
28 The tide was going out , she saw ; if she walked along the parade as far as the pier , she would be able to come back along the sands .
29 It is a hole in the head as far as the Irishman is concerned .
30 We 've not managed to clear the speaker 's part of the platform as entirely as the Americans do , but at least we 've managed to create a decent space around the speaker .
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