Example sentences of "the [noun sg] which i [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
2 That 's the certificate which I regret now is with South Staffs museum at Lichfield .
3 As appears from the chronology which I have already recited the purpose of the December charge being executed in favour of the mortgagees was simply to replace the defective charge that had been given in September .
4 What he then writes almost gives the impression of avoiding the confusion which I diagnosed above : ‘ This is how self-consciousness arises , the capacity to locate oneself within physical and social space … to know where one is and whom one is dealing with and what is expected of one ’ ( 47 ) .
5 The aggression may spring from the threat to my inner peace and well-being brought on by the anxiety which I impose unconsciously on the situation .
6 Then he refers to the passage which I have already read .
7 There then followed the passage which I have already cited in which Lord Wilberforce stressed the responsibility lying on persons who sign documents .
8 Where the agent has a retainer of the type which I have previously mentioned he will at the beginning of the session report to the clients on the latent , as well as the obvious , dangers to that client of a-particular Bill or order .
9 These are just examples of er of of of question of answers to questions Burn asks the question which I 've just asked , why then does low turn out persist , cos he 's just made the point above that there are big issues in local government .
10 Erm the point which I do n't think I a quite adequately covered , erm Alan mentioned it did you not , in relation to where you give a signal , erm th the h new Highway Code makes a slight variation in relation to where you should give the signal when you 're exiting on the roundabout .
11 It was in that context that Lord Diplock expressed the opinion which I set out above .
12 In other words , counsel was submitting that the language used by Nolan J. bore the meaning which I have earlier indicated I think it was intended to bear .
13 Brody speculates that this finding ( which runs counter to the evidence which I presented above that grandparents place more value on this relationship than grandchildren ) may reflect the idealism of the younger generation and their lack of experience of situations where demands are actually made upon them .
14 But in all the other categories — economic , accommodation , practical and emotional support — the evidence which I reviewed above suggests that parents are regarded the most appropriate relatives to offer support , subject to their capacity to do so .
15 For it was not pure ocular seeing , or I should have seen her as a girl of the age which I have now reached .
16 It is presumably that time which is relevant to the comment which I have n't the heart to repeat here where I refers to the current narrator .
17 The president , it says in the constitution which I 've just read , the president has the power to make treaties to make agreements with foreign countries .
18 Er , thank you Chair , for the opportunity to introduce the paper which I do briefly bearing in mind what I , I see are all the pressures on you which will go on into the afternoon .
19 If the question be ( as , in the actual state of the law , I think it is ) , whether consideration is , or is not , given in a case of this kind , by the debtor who pays down part of the debt presently due from him , for a promise by the creditor to relinquish , after certain further payments on account , the residue of the debt , I can not say that I think consideration is given , in the sense which I have always understood that word as used in our law .
20 And then when they went over to the other side of the road which I do n't walk on very often
21 ‘ For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you with many tears ; not that ye should be grieved , but that ye might know the love which I have more abundantly unto you ’ ( 2 Corinthians , 2:4 ) .
22 But suppose I had found a watch upon the ground , and it should be inquired how the watch happened to be in that place ; I should hardly think of the answer which I had before given , that for anything I knew , the watch might have always been there .
23 I shall therefore only attempt to generalise about those parts of the world which I know best , and I shall be ruthless in the selection of my facts .
24 there 's two files at the end which I thought maybe ought to be at the beginning .
25 I have always been desirous of devoting what little capability and energy I may possess to the country which I love most dearly . ’
26 I had fewer than a hundred rounds for the gun which I kept solely as a deterrent for those remote places where cruising yachtsmen are seen as plump victims , ripe for pillaging , and the Webley offered me good protection for , though the gun was over seventy years old , it was massively built and frighteningly powerful .
27 There 's nothing that happens on the estate which I do n't know about .
28 Aristotle said something very interesting in that extract from the Politics which I quoted earlier ; he said that women have a deliberative faculty but that it lacks full authority .
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