Example sentences of "the [noun sg] and [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They were in a dark corner behind the bandstand in the park and had quickly gone through all the other stages , including the one Sally liked best , kissing and pressing the lower half of their bodies close together as if they were dancing .
2 But police here say they 've had growing problems in regulating the tide and have even ordered groups of refugees to return to the border post to allow time to clear bottlenecks further down the five hundred mile route to the Red Sea port of Aqaba .
3 This company already holds the dominant position in add-on type for the PC and has now announced a product called Facelift that , like ATM , will build screen fonts on-the-fly in Windows 3.0 .
4 As General Manager David Lynch said , ‘ this acquisition is clearly an important step forward in developing our drains business for the future and has significantly increased our expertise in this service .
5 When he had taken the tea and lay warmly wrapped and no longer shivering , Sister Cooney left him .
6 Although she was sitting only a foot or two away from him in the opposite corner of the seat and had frequently tried to smile at him , he felt inexplicably betrayed .
7 The medical association of Chile want to ban the sport and have effectively done so by prohibiting doctors from assisting at ringside .
8 It is as though he had analysed the failings in most other accounts of the work and had deliberately devised the means to obviate them .
9 It is as though he had analysed the failings in most other accounts of the work and had deliberately devised the means to obviate them .
10 Chris has worked hard spreading the work and has also started a Class in Newbury , an area completely new to Medau .
11 The man had been in the wood and had perhaps seen the animal cemetery .
12 I crossed the hall and had actually picked up the offending item before realizing its full implication ; my father , I recalled , had been brushing the entrance hall a half-hour or so earlier .
13 Alyssia had planned to spend the entire fortnight relaxing on the beach , drinking in the sun and getting gloriously tanned .
14 ‘ Whilst you remain here with us — and let me say here and now that there will be a place here for you for as long as you wish — you will share in the life of the household and have all provided .
15 We had driven back to the village and had just turned off the road on to the In Salah track .
16 We had recently begun to shelter a young man who had deserted from the Italian army in the south and had somehow managed , with the help of various Italians whom he met on the way , to reach Fontanellato .
17 An especially important result of the establishment of both the HIDB and the WIIC is that at long last there are professional jobs in the Western Isles for at least some of those who have gone to university on the mainland and have previously had to stay there to work .
18 Sir : I am studying for A-levels at the moment and have just sent off my application form to study medicine at university .
19 It was as though a stream had been damned in the heart of the forest and had gradually widened out making the centre of the great bowl they were trying to cross into a swamp .
20 In any case , it is too difficult for me , and I wish I had been a movie comedian or something of the sort and had never heard of physics ’ .
21 Precise details of what has been achieved by the liaison remain a closely guarded secret but it has involved developing new methods of using medicinal drugs in the body and has already led to a contract with a major pharmaceutical company .
22 This talked about tormentosas , con gran aparato eléctrico , and we experienced one of these during an evening stroll up above the town and got completely drenched .
23 Mrs Swales 's friends Liz Metcalfe and Gail O'Keefe said they were with her on the night and had never seen her assaulting Mrs Wilson .
24 Paul , 27 , from Hanworth , Middlesex , spent a blank five hours at the water and had just changed swims when the pike took a float fished trout on 12 lb line with size 8 barbless trebles .
25 He quit the booth and had just turned the corner when the plain-clothes policeman emerged from an alley and glanced at the bank of kiosks .
26 Rufus had only seen it while eating partridge which had been winged instead of shot in the head and had nearly broken one of his teeth on the tiny ball of lead .
27 One had been shot in the head and had later died , another had been wounded in the knee .
28 Morphologically it represents the most anterior region of the head and has secondarily acquired a basal hinged attachment .
29 Adopting as a mark of defiance the name golani ( " tramps " ) , as Iliescu had disparagingly described them , they claimed that the NSF had " stolen " the revolution and had only won the May 20 general election by deceit and intimidation [ see pp. 37441-42 ] .
30 The CME and SIMEX also obtained the exclusive licence to trade Nikkei stock index futures contracts outside Japan , but while this has been fairly successful on SIMEX , it has been less so in Chicago ( 881,000 contracts on SIMEX as against 61000 on the CME in 1990 ) .
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