Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If you are using the sample player characters provided in this book , Erszebet will not find the mace she is looking for in here ; Elmariel will realise that this is the body of the Wizard that he wished to find .
2 Patrick escaped from the party on the excuse that he needed to check up on some security arrangements .
3 We affirm on the contrary that he has to see every code including his own as criticizable in terms of ‘ Be aware ’ .
4 The indetermination that he sought to banish increasingly returned to haunt him ; he could never demonstrate how the unceasing totalization of multiplicity would ever reach its promised moment of finality .
5 If the right hon. Gentleman wants to talk about taking action , perhaps he will consider the action that he proposes to take in his policies : a minimum wage that will cost jobs , a payroll tax that will cost jobs , and a strikers charter that will create jobs — not here but in France , in Germany , in Belgium , in Italy , in the United States and elsewhere .
6 He feels so restricted by the screenplay that he has to break away from the apartment at every opportunity .
7 After careful deliberation my right hon. and learned Friend made a statement on 9 October to the effect that he intended to ask British Rail to refine Ove Arup 's proposed eastern approach to London sufficiently to allow public consultation to take place on that route and , indeed , for it to be safeguarded .
8 As he explained when I met him , he became so angry when he read what they had to say about the Princess that he wanted to ring the editors and complain , but realized that , rather than spending every day on the telephone , a simpler solution was to stop reading them .
9 As a gesture of goodwill , it should be suggested to the purchaser that he offers to sign a confidentiality undertaking in favour of the vendors covering such information .
10 This time , Gina 's ‘ small , greasy artist friend ’ annoyed Nigel to the point that he had to take Eleanor into his study to talk about them .
11 Suddenly it occurred to Alexei that in the event that he failed to return from the embassy the question of solemnising the marriage would not arise , and he wondered again how far he could trust Burun .
12 It is as if the Poet were concentrating so strongly on giving an adequate image of the Friend that he ceases to think about himself and his own unworthiness by comparison .
13 Hanging over him all the time , however , was the knowledge that he had to go back into hospital for further surgery on his spine .
14 Though he was an adequate mariner , he was by no means an expert fisherman , being the sort of man who makes more conversation than profit from his catches ; but after a trip across to Plymouth early in the new year , he returned looking exceedingly pleased with himself , dressed in finer clothes than were often seen on the Polruan side of the Fowey , and full of the news that he intended to commission John Knollys to build him a bark of a hundred tons .
15 Especially on the second night , I had the feeling that he wanted to talk , and what made it the more interesting was the variety of his experiences and the mature way in which he alluded to them .
16 The WRAC Centre helicopter landing site is often used by visiting dignitaries , and as he leaves the Minister tells the Adjutant that he wishes to visit the unit in the autumn .
17 So do n't worry , Ms Greenwell : your son 's religious education lessons will provide him with the ammunition that he needs to oppose traditional religious beliefs .
18 Davidson emphasises above his own role in Provincial 's response a team effort , not only in the sense that he had to delegate a great deal in such a multi-faceted role — although ‘ logically planning goes together with finance and not only did we have the capacity to take on overseas but control of subsidiaries fits too ’ — to his deputies , and , but that the whole company was involved .
19 Although comedy came to him easily in the sense that he seems to have made the class laugh at will from a tender age , it is , like everything else , something that he works at and it annoys him when others fail to do so .
20 So in his first major speech as leader in parliament he wasted little time on the customary compliments and warned the government that he intended to play hard .
21 Take the statement that he wanted to see the German play of which he had heard some praise , and consider substituting the co-referring description " the Left-wing play whose inept performance will make him wish he had stayed at home " .
22 Will he put a figure on the amount that he intends to make available to deal with homelessness and dampness ?
23 As for Mr we 're out of recession are we ? well if that 's an excuse for saying let's close homes well , I think that 's a a terrible shame , all he , the certainty that he wants to offer to our elderly people is the certainty that their home will close and they 'll be thrown out of it .
24 Colin told Mrs Medlock and the doctor that he wanted to go out in his wheelchair .
25 For example , his work on the death instincts in Beyond the Pleasure Principle is based on the assumption that he needs to show that all organisms , including mankind , aim to return to a tensionless state of inorganic matter .
26 Though he continued to profess his patriotism as an Englishman and refuted the suggestion that he wanted to imitate Hitler , it was in Germany alone that his hope seemed capable of embodiment .
27 Mr North told the crowd that he tried to telephone Mr Clinton , but the White House switchboard would not let him through until he disguised his voice with a lisp .
28 In a sense Mao is , is adopting very much the position that he seems to have taken erm in nineteen forty five when he 's , he 's looking forward to land return but saying at the moment our policy of rent reduction , interest rate reduction will continue and at some stage we will then be able to move on into , to that reform .
29 It was n't until the weekend that he started to pine for some entertainment other than the sight of himself in the bathroom mirror .
30 There was a suggestion at the inquest that he sought to relieve himself out of the window rather than trudge down to the jakes in the basement , a distressing but not unprecedented recourse for chaps well gone in their cups .
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