Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that [pron] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
2 It has been able to obtain a third of the income that it needs from sponsorship , while a further third has been obtained from admission charges .
3 Chairman , the salmon sheets , if you 're happy with the base that we start from .
4 When my mother met , we were met you know when we got married the solicitor had us in because he wanted us to make a will because see we did n't take the money that we got from mum .
5 Well the money that we raised from there and also from another one was about three thousand nearly four thousand three thousand something and we presented er Tommy Cooper with the cheque on the Prince , the stage of the Prince of Wales Theatre , but that cheque was to buy a special ambulance for the children of Upshire , which is the home of the disabled and this special coach had erm places where you could wheel the children into the coach in their chairs with the clamps and those children that could be taken out of their chairs and put on seats put and had their belts put around them and that was the only way that these children were able to get out !
6 If they used the money that they take from us for the maintenance of the camp we would live like kings .
7 And er I lost touch with her after that but Joyce was very nice , very , very a down to earth cockney girl from Hockston and she said er she 'd tell her sister she said I do admire my sister she said they 'll never have anything other than a council house , I do n't suppose but she said my brother-in-law mends people 's motorcycles as a side line and the money that he gets from that he gives her most of it and she buys things on hire purchase , this was the days when hire purchase was n't fearsomely expensive
8 If the hon. Lady or Puffin Books can show that the use of the puffin symbol contravenes the text that I quoted from the 1986 voluntary agreement , without being bound by court procedures and legal niceties and technicalities , we have a system deliberately designed to be sufficiently flexible to allow action to be taken and new barriers which will not be allowed to be broken .
9 The grant that we receive from the Sports Council will only continue to be given if each year our membership increases .
10 Zeno 's snapshot was Lori in the instant that she leaped from the low branch .
11 One is do you trust the reply that you get from someone .
12 It appeared round the corner with loud threats of speed , but the colt that it startled from among the gorse , which still flickered indistinctly in the raw afternoon , outdistanced it at a canter ( 2 ) .
13 Somehow or other your miond analyzes the light that it receives from these bodies and tells you about them .
14 A report published in this week 's Journal of the Danish Medical Association ( Ugeskrift for Laeger , June 21 , p 1985 ) says that since 1987 , insurance companies , employers , unemployment and retirement institutions , banks , and public authorities render their services on the condition that they obtain from appliers permission to check their medical records .
15 But nothing can take away the pleasure that I derived from looking at what I took to be a photograph .
16 Now that you are moving away , he wants you to know that you were special and he hopes to return some of the self-esteem that he stole from you .
17 Those people have stood up for justice , despite the abuse that they received from the public .
18 He had looked up ‘ family ’ in his dictionary before coming to the debate , and he reminded the Committee that it came from familia .
19 I remember very well from the moment that I fell from the boat and felt my feet strike some soft substance .
20 The premise that everything started from was Andrus 's hostility to anything Moslem .
21 What do you hope you can do in terms of providing or possibly squeezing out at the eleventh hour , the cash that you need from the Oxfordshire Regional Health Authority , to try and stop er routine patients not being treated from Monday ?
22 If the price paid for the business has been calculated on turnover it is important to the purchaser that he benefits from all existing contracts .
23 The difference found in these is difficult to explain away and I shall accept the conclusion that it derives from a change in the distinctiveness of the pre-trained cues .
24 It all depends on the reaction that you get from your , your boss .
25 The social position that a person occupies we call a status and the behaviour that we expect from a person occupying that position we call a role .
26 Plus the rebate that we had from that project .
27 Recent work has shown that the types of deposit produced by different kinds of eruption can be recognized by objective criteria such as the total volume of material erupted , the distance that it travels from the vent , the degree of fragmentation , and the range of particle sizes present at any point .
28 He will be surprised — I fear that he may even be disappointed — by the figures that we shall announce next week , which specify the output that we expect from housing associations in 1992-93 .
29 I mean I can understand why they do and I like the stuff myself , but I do n't share the belief that I get from all sides that impressionism is what art should be like normally .
30 I mean the feeling that I got from our research was that there are certain things that are absolutely basic to a good relationship between the school and the parent .
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