Example sentences of "the [noun] when [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Under the pressure of this unwelcome fact , he is being spontaneously pulled between the revulsion when he remembers and the greed when he forgets .
2 I always carry the bag on my left shoulder so I can pull out clubs with my right hand , and I was about to pull out the driver when I hesitated and decided to see how the land lay .
3 ‘ No , this he threw back into the bushes when it snapped and turned in his hand .
4 An opportunity to discuss the difficulty over the telephone when it arises and to look for a means of reducing the effects of the crisis is the starting point .
5 The frisson that he caused was still sweeping through the gallery when it paused and then redoubled .
6 She was prepared for the move when it came and followed Claudia Hamilton and the other ladies upstairs .
7 The sun trickled around the blinds in Kate 's bedroom , falling in narrow shafts over the poppies on the wallpaper and on the orange-painted dressing-table It was warm in the room when she awoke and for some seconds she was aware of pleasurable anticipation , before the revelations of the day before came flooding in on her .
8 The loss of equilibrium is seen as being both a root cause of the crisis when it occurs and its manifestation .
9 Social pressures also play a part — the reaction when you try and feed a baby when you 're out , for instance , can be demoralising .
10 His wife in her innocence told us he had been down at the steamer when we landed and had slipped out of sight , and next morning he had left at six o'clock to go and visit a small island North of Jura where he had never been known to go before . "
11 He was well on his way to the station when he paused and looked up towards a building , and he saw in his mind 's eye Carrie running up the steps , and he recalled her voice saying , ‘ Oh ! why must you keep on about that . ’
12 Many of those trainees go to smaller firms , perhaps taking over positions of responsibility or even taking over from the owners when they die and thus continuing the industry 's good work .
13 The simplest decoration is to put a few drops of vegetable dye into the water when you boil and egg .
14 Parkin claimed Wilkinson handled the ball when he dived and scored .
15 You bought three apples comma , a banana comma , a bicycle pump and a walking stick , and you do n't need the comma when you use and .
16 Well , he found them the best ski runs in the Cairngorms when they started and they could n't afford to give him anything very spectacular , so he said , ‘ Can I have the ski shop and the bobble hat concession ? ’
17 ‘ I hit my head on the kerb when I fell and when I went to hospital two days later they told me I had severe bruising of the brain , ’ said Walter after his Kempton win on Mithl Al Hawa .
18 He was making for the door when he stopped and half turned back towards her and said , ‘ By the way , Aggie , very little escapes you , as I know only too well , but have you noticed any difference in Jessie of late ? ’
19 She left them at the studio when she called and I have n't her name or address .
20 Similarly there is only a fog , when it comes to crimes committed by governments ( Douglas and Johnson 1977 ) , particularly when these victimize Third World countries ( Shawcross 1979 ) or become genocidal ( Brown 1971 , Horowitz 1977 ) , or by governmental control agencies such as the police when they assault or use deadly force unwarrantedly against the public or suspected persons ( see Chapter 3 ) , or prison officers ( Coggan and Walker 1982 ; Thomas and Pooley 1980 ) , or special prison hospital staff when they brutalize and torture persons in their protective custody .
21 I want the clouds sweeping over the stubble when I creep and stand on the front steps after reading all night , and our owls hoot , and everyone 's sleeping upstairs , sleeping sound , in quiet bedrooms .
22 He did not have an outstanding game but was given the warmest of receptions by the crowd when he batted and was helped on his way by reassuring words from Desmond Haynes , a fellow Barbadian .
23 When the whistle is blown again , the leader gives instructions such as ‘ hop ’ , ‘ walk backwards ’ , ‘ jump with two feet together ’ , ‘ run slowly ’ or ‘ walk again' until the leader eventually says ‘ Bus stop ’ when all the children must continue the way they are going until they reach the entrance to the bus when they go and sit down .
24 They even bought sweets for the children when they left and we have 260 pupils here , ’ said school secretary Helen Chilvers .
25 However , if you are married or divorced , the other parent will usually be legally responsible for the children when you die and your right to appoint a guardian is therefore more restricted .
26 Tell the others when they awake and they can follow us .
27 The lights were on over the airfield when we landed and ‘ Deemy ’ showed me to the Russian equivalent of the American B.O.Q. adjoining a very handsome and well-furnished Officers ' Lounge and Recreation Room .
28 Karen poured the coffee when it arrived and let Whitlock help himself to milk and sugar .
29 Some machines have the capacity to freeze the picture on the screen when you pause and we discussed in Chapter 1 the way picture quality can vary between videodisc and videocassette when you do this .
30 I left the car outside the farm and was about to walk between the walls when I paused and stared at a cow in the field on the other side of the road .
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