Example sentences of "the [noun] can [be] think of " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know what the Carters can be thinking of . ’
2 The molecules can be thought of as little billiard balls continually colliding with each other and bouncing off the walls of the box .
3 I have not touched on the difficult question of localization here : it is a lively issue where the brain is concerned , but not for the digital computer because , depending on how you interpret its operations , information can be thought of as being anywhere at all in the machine ( i.e. not localized in the sense of being associated with a particular place in it ) , or ( and in some sense conversely ) all operations of the machine can be thought of as going on in one very small and specific place .
4 The tracks can be thought of as patterns of gene activity and the ball as a developing cell .
5 The households can be thought of as the owners of factors of production , the services of which they sell to firms in exchange for income ( in the form of wages , salaries , interest , rent and profit ) .
6 Indeed , if the state can be thought of as acting as a single shareholder then it will be in a more powerful position vis-a-vis management than are shareholders of most private companies .
7 Notice that the CDR can be thought of as a weighted mean of the age-specific rates , using age class population numbers as weights , i.e. CDR =
8 The Mournes can be thought of as being in two sections : the higher , more popular eastern range , where they ‘ sweep down to the sea ’ and the lower , even less frequented , western range .
9 Alternatively , the structure can be thought of as a body-centred cubic arrangement with the cations occupying the body-centre positions .
10 The problem can be thought of as maximizing consumer surplus ( here total surplus minus resource costs ) arising from the set of products , subject to the breakeven constraint , i.e. choose y 1 to y n to maximize : subject to unc where R(Y) is the revenue accruing from sales of all the products and x is a variable of integration .
11 These , all these things , are directed , as says , to the ego , and the ego can be thought of as a decision making agency .
12 Cells in different parts of the embryo can be thought of as developing along quite different pathways , diverging more and more in character .
13 The slope can be thought of as a numerical expression of the strength of causal effect of one variable on another .
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