Example sentences of "the [noun] that i had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Of course he was n't always there because frequently there were notes from his mother to say that he had earache or something , but later on I realized , of course , that those notes had been faked , the same as the notes that I had sent to school from my mother several generations before that .
2 I came in knowing that that was going to happen , so erm yo I think also I had the the freedom that I had chosen to live there , and I think that made erm the difference .
3 ‘ But afterwards , I found that the noise that I had heard was the springing of rivets .
4 It seemed a very personal and special wave — the kind that I had seen in my mind 's eye in a night of tangled dreaming .
5 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
6 Yet it was as though that night , in the moonlight , in the silence , as though even the work , the months of steady labour , had only been an illusion , only the dream of work , the dream of progress , and I had not even begun and never would begin , though at different moments in my life I might have had the illusion that I had begun and even , perhaps , finished .
7 It jumped easily over the rocks and I saw with horror the monster that I had created .
8 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
9 Those were the words that I had written for Antoinette !
10 Following the work that I had done at the MU on the Circuit Board Fault Diagnostic Aid in connection with my MSc project , 2 members of the staff had gained experience of expert systems : the Chief Technician and a civilian who had assisted me during the project .
11 She wrote that without the challenge of some who were Christians of a particular persuasion , " I would not have been aware of how deeply my own assumptions had constructed the fantasy that I had desired " ( Kathy Raban in Hammond et al.
12 I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully .
13 I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully .
14 K has literally just rung over the moon that I had fixed this as her mother is very fond of David and has known him for years — and it is fitting that widow of first Prof of CEGS ( as above ) be included — her dad built up the department enormously and I knew him through European seminars etc via Law Society with and others including who is a Heriot Row neighbour .
15 And it was perfect for me because a lot of the vibrato that I had developed over the years suddenly sounded more like me , because the vibrato bar was n't there taking up the slack and giving way every time I applied vibrato .
16 The dead German sitting with his back to the wall that I had passed earlier on had slipped from his position , and was now lying with his blond head in the ditch .
17 When the evidence that I had confirmed it all !
18 I never really appreciated the full meaning of the word ‘ vision ’ , until the day that I had felt so powerless to change the cruel reality facing my children and people in my community in Glasgow , that I started to wish with all my heart that I could go to sleep and never wake up again .
19 I went through the drill that I had taught many times to my students , and with a little sideslip brought John 's creation back to earth .
20 It was the feeling that I had survived , and that maybe , with help , I was going to continue to survive .
21 I decided to apply for some help , so my daughter Lilya ( Aliki ) and I wrote a letter to Andropov and Brezhnev , and I explained in these letters that what had been stolen was a large number of works from the collection that I had intended to give to the Tretyakov Gallery .
22 Will the Minister cast his mind back to the letter that he wrote to me last October — a soothing reply to the representations that I had made to him — pointing out that the Salford careers service , which covers my constituency , had forecast a shortfall of between 400 and 450 YTS places ?
23 I went on to say to him that I wished to make it clear that my disquiet did not relate to any particular name , but if in fact the names that I had heard turned out to be a correct report , and he published the List , the List would support legitimate criticism .
24 It was the creature that I had made .
25 It was the creature that I had made .
26 Then I was showered with the realisation that I had spent half a working day thinking these thoughts , during which time , if I had put a foot wrong , I would have immediately proved , to some people 's satisfaction , the innate unsuitability of women for this kind of work ; and that clinched it ; and I wrote the letter and confirmed the complaint .
27 I waited for a full hour before I caught a glimpse of the sight that I had come to see .
28 What made it worse was that in order to explain the frustrations that I had experienced I found myself making stereotyping judgments about Africans as lazy — not even caring to look after themselves — and as unreliable .
29 I stayed for a while about twenty paces away from the platform barrier , numbed by the realization that I had fallen at the first hurdle .
30 And as it looked like Sasser had told Hurley something about me , Control passed the word that I had handled some contract work for the Defense Department in the past , just minor stuff , but that it was all finished now .
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