Example sentences of "the [noun] is [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The use that may be made of the occurrence or non-occurrence of a reinvestigation by the defence is bound to be problematic .
2 I 'm aware that our backs are up against the wall as regards time because the response is meant to be in by Friday erm I do n't think actually that this is the the paper that Vince is presenting , although in fact , surely raises issues , I do n't think it is actually response as it stands , I think it is a paper which raises items of issues for this committee to consider , I do n't think in itself it serves as a response .
3 I think it all depends on what the British feel the response is going to be , either today or in the future .
4 In most of the authoritative cases the direction is taken to be the steering and the movement is taken to be the acceleration and braking .
5 Scheduled Implementation Date : the date by which the change is scheduled to be implemented .
6 However , even a change from one class of use to another will require planning permission only if the change is deemed to be a ‘ material ’ change : if , for instance , an entrepreneur wishes to convert a shop , which falls into the class of buildings used primarily for the sale of goods by retail , into a restaurant see Westminster City Council v. McDonald 's Hamburgers ( 1986 ) 7 CL 325 ( b ) .
7 LDL carry cholesterol to tissues where the cholesterol is off-loaded to be used for building membranes or for conversion into various hormones .
8 The trial is expected to be heard before another jury in the near future .
9 If the board is intended to be on view , it should be laid smooth side up , then finished with a paint or varnish coating .
10 The method by which the board is going to be mounted into the enclosure .
11 If the terms of Bell 's inequality are calculated from the composite wave function I mentioned above then the inequality is found to be violated ; on the other hand , it is always satisfied for wave functions that are simple products .
12 The winner is set to be some half a million pounds better off .
13 That sets out how the money is going to be delivered , what sort of organisational structure is required , and evaluation and monitoring to ensure objectives are met . ’
14 Pearse , the former Wallaby flanker , intends to establish his own sports marketing company and the NSWRU is set to be his first client .
15 The case is thought to be the first test of the obligation under the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to provide new land of " equal advantage " where public open space is lost through a compulsory purchase .
16 So have another guess at what the resistance is going to be .
17 The court will not want the defendant to be liable indefinitely for damage and will impose a cut off point beyond which the damage is said to be too remote .
18 Claims for Fire , Vandalism , Accident Damage ( Partial Losses ) Plant Safety must be instructed and an Engineer 's Report obtained where the damage is known to be of a mechanical or electrical nature , or affects such parts of the machine as may be subject to load testing or Statutory Certification .
19 This is characterised by the perception of an author requiring a reader to make an effort in reading , but the text is seen to be maximally facilitating the search for coherence .
20 Seen to be an ‘ effect ’ of the Universal or Unified Field , it is able to transmit energy patterns from one natural source to another and give rise to a physical formation of those patterns — in other words , the field is believed to be the agent for creation , growth and development throughout nature .
21 The ban is expected to be part of a series of new measures to tighten control of the illegal horticultural business which is worth billions of dollars a year .
22 The contract is scheduled to be completed by early summer .
23 v. Grant , or some other authority to the same effect , and saying that by our law an offeror can be landed with a contract even though he never receives an acceptance , since the contract is held to be complete on the posting of the letter of acceptance .
24 Unless otherwise laid down in the constitution , the Chairman is considered to be a full member of the meeting and , therefore , has a vote that he can exercise as the other members do .
25 What planning should he undertake with respect to inheritance tax — bearing in mind that under the deemed domicile provisions in IHTA 1984 , s267(1) the taxpayer is deemed to be domiciled in the United Kingdom if he was so domiciled three years immediately preceding his death or he was resident in the United Kingdom in not less than 17 of the 20 years of assessment ending with the year of assessment in which the death occurs ?
26 In general elections we , we do n't normally know for sure until a few weeks beforehand what the date of the election is going to be .
27 Sometimes the finality of the decision is expressed to be subject to the qualification " save in the case of manifest error " .
28 The decision is expected to be endorsed by the full CITES meeting next week .
29 The framework is there we , I think , know what the decision is going to be today .
30 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
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