Example sentences of "the [noun] and that [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Er I come up to draw the President 's attention erm to a problem we have within the delegation and that is that when er Dick called the mover of resolution three eight one in the name of the Lancashire region John who was going to move the resolution was in fact sat in his seat within the delegation .
2 So my suggestion and this is only a suggestion , the beards which in the past have been interpreted as a kind of erm epigrammatic signal , in other words a kind of erm sign on the face of the male as they 're deceived , my guess is that , th that beards may actually have evolved to protect the throat because erm the critical thing in , in killing somebody is to block the , the windpipe and that 's and in fact even , even lions do this , you saw in the film when a lion kills an antelope or something , he does n't go to all the trouble of making horrible gashes , he grabs the , the windpipe and holds on until the antelope or whatever it is is just er
3 I mean as usual with financial journalism , er i it 's somewhere in between , I mean endowments are having a bad run at the moment and that 's because they 've paid out such excellent bonuses in the past so if you 've had a maturity in the last four or five years , you 'll have seen how good they are .
4 Before I finish I I just wonder whether I could put one point to the county and that 's whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy in the structure plan , they would allow the borough council to include the type of policy we 're seeking in our district wide local plan bearing in mind that some of the considerations in involved are of a strategic nature .
5 I 'd like to pick up on a point that er that Roy Donson made also right at the outset of of the discussion and that was that there 's no evidence that local authorities have have faced pressure for development in the countryside .
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