Example sentences of "the [noun] and [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He is responsible for the sabotage on the Base and he has implicated himself by trying to escape , ’ Bishop said harshly .
2 These are discontinuities since there is no continuity between the change and what has gone before .
3 He could have stopped the trial and we had discussed whether to apply for a stay of prosecution , but once I was in the fight I wanted to carry on , whatever the consequences . ’
4 ( 2 ) A licensing board may , on an application made to it in that behalf by : ( a ) the executors , representatives or disponees of any person who held a licence in respect of premises situated within the area of the board and who has died before the expiry of the licence ; or ( b ) the trustee , judicial factor or curator bonis of any person holding such a licence who has become bankrupt , insolvent or incapable before the expiry of the licence ; transfer the licence to the applicant if the applicant is in possession of the premises .
5 You have certainly applied your mind to the work of the Board and you have encouraged its vision and its direction through your intellectual gifts and perceptions and insights .
6 I suggested to Wilson that there had to be a short cooling-off period , after which Max Aitken would be a suitable person to go to Rhodesia as an unofficial ambassador , since in the war he had flown with Smith in the RAF and they had become good friends .
7 Now this will definitely test your listening skills and , I know it 's getting late in the afternoon and you 've had a heavy meal , but you really do have to concentrate because the feedback you give him is now , or her rather , is now vitally important , okay , cos you have n't got a second bite of the cherry .
8 Two-thirty in the afternoon and she had dragged him out of bed ?
9 And the sewing course I mentioned earlier , we are getting the money and we 've discussed that already and it 's all set out .
10 We made the mistake of not putting in the trees before the hedges and it 's taken them seven or eight years to get going because it 's so exposed .
11 60 detectives are working on the case and they 've eliminated from their enquiries a man arrested and held overnight .
12 They have , in my judgment , considered all the significant aspects of the case and they have decided , first of all , that the threshold conditions have been satisfied and , secondly , that the appropriate order in the circumstances of the case was to grant a care order to the local authority .
13 We needed to be persuaded of the case and we had gone through the BR figures line by line .
14 You know , he 's , he 's been involved dealing with the case and he 's told the press something about what 's going on .
15 Whoever had washed up last night had n't cleaned the cooker , there was no light-bulb in the one cell in the basement and someone had had to be dispatched to wake up the ironmonger because nobody could find a spare .
16 Over the years , we 've taken the risk to increase the court 's costs , erm , where we 've got agreed pro er , principles , and we 've b we 've been able to go to the courts and they 've agreed with us , for instance , standard fees for overloaded vehicle cases , we charge seventy pounds a time .
17 But still the habit of flying north for the summer persisted among the birds and it has remained to this day , even though the journey is no longer a few miles , but several hundred .
18 Mr Rich said many dentists were concerned that not enough money was being made available by the Government to implement the contract and he had approached Mrs Bottomley , Health Secretary , to arrange a meeting .
19 Boats were for hire by the hour and they had rowed on the lake .
20 There were occasions , also , when the assistant on duty would forget the time , and suddenly realise it was two minutes to the hour and she 'd forgotten to do the observation .
21 He said : ‘ I have talked to the chairman and he has assured me that there is no truth in the Crystal Palace thing .
22 said that people are losing all interest in the election and they 've got no faith in any of parties they all seemed to much alike and all fund ranges
23 Nawa Shariff lost the election and he 's lost the battle for the independence and members of minority parties who hold the balance of power .
24 She said , and the jumper and I 've got the beads she said !
25 He got a bulldozer to bull , to bulldoze up the erm aisles and bulldoze the sanctuary and he 's thrown away , God knows what !
26 Right if you think of that double U , then you 've got to double the O and you 've got to double the L
27 It is called the recession and it has blighted the lives of thousands of people who want no more than to earn an honest living and take pride in bringing up their families .
28 I 've been out on the on the streets and the roads and we 've had a few beers and I 've not seen any trouble but the first I 've heard of trouble was was this morning after breakfast in a nearby hotel and and by by the trouble that 's been caused I do n't know the details of it but I believe it 's been quite intense really .
29 The carburettor had clogged up a second time in the storm and they had had to wait until it was over .
30 Erm I 've got a note , or I had a note to write to the admin at the university and I have done , erm saying that Derek 's been approaching people , apologising for not writing beforehand and saying that Derek 's been approaching people and if they 've got a problem they should write back P D Q.
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