Example sentences of "the [noun] of women [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The question and practice of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood in some provinces of the Anglican communion prevents reconciliation even where there is otherwise progress towards agreement in faith of the meaning of the eucharist and the ordained ministry . ’
2 The Catholic Church 's position , which is based on its experience of the constant tradition of faith since the time of the apostles , is that ‘ the Church , in fidelity to the example of the Lord , does not consider herself authorised to admit women to priestly ordination ’ ( Introduction , declaration on the question of the admission of women to the ministerial priesthood , CDF 15 October 1976 ) .
3 The Sex Disqualification ( Removal ) Act 1919 , designed to facilitate the admission of women to the House of Commons but worded in such a way as to be apt to give them access also to the House of Lords was seized upon by Viscountess Rhondda as having this effect but the Committee of Privileges refused to endorse her claim and the House rejected it .
4 Forced to resign the secretaryship of the AEW when the Somerville council challenged her control of tuition arrangements , she became , with her husband , an influential opponent in 1895–6 of a bid to secure the admission of women to the Oxford BA .
5 He was also committed to and involved in the admission of women to the medical school , which obviously involved much tact and understanding in order to break down prejudices .
6 ‘ We may thus think of the subordination of women as the result of three different kinds of victimisation. 1 .
7 Furthermore one may argue that the subordination of women in the church reflected the cultural conditioning of people in the first century .
8 The shroud thrown over the subordination of women in the mining communities has much to tell us about the myth of the " archetypical proletarians ' .
9 In Orwell 's time , Wigan was as much a cotton town as it was a coal town , and if his excavation of the elements of exploitation was to have been adequate , it could not have omitted the experience of women in the cotton industry .
10 But why ( if it were not for the fact that one is a Christian ) should one be wanting to stay with the experience of women within the biblical tradition ?
11 But the invisibility of women in the sociology of deviance is not simply a mirror of reality .
12 The invisibility of women in the sociology of work is guaranteed by the choice of predominantly masculine jobs in research design .
13 Women are bracketed with minors and the code is basically concerned with the protection of women as the " weaker sex " .
14 Judith Ochshorn , a specialist in Near Eastern culture , points out that there is a long history of women as mourners and attendants on the dead : thus ‘ in its cultural context , the presence of women at the cross or at the tomb of Jesus was not exceptional ’ .
15 The entrance of women into the manufacturing workforce , particularly into its most modern sectors , is clearly having important consequences in many Third World countries ( see Tiano , 1988 ) .
16 If we define feminism as the consciousness of women regarding the fact that they are subjugated , exploited etc .
17 But beyond the incorporation of women in the revolutionary organizations and the fight against machismo , we will have to wait until we can implement structural changes in the economic and social system .
18 The relationships of women to the health-care system and to the criminal law are dealt with in chapters 9 and 11 respectively .
19 This book is courageous in exposing the violation of women at the hands of medical and scientific practitioners , in placing this medical malpractice n social and feminist contexts , and in showing that all women will be effected by reproductive technology if it is allowed to go on .
20 The party was as sure as ever about Christian principles , and the advent of women into the organization may even have strengthened the connection , but there was no longer certainty about forms and institutions .
21 It is through the exchange of women in the alliance of marriage that culture and society are founded .
22 Where are the men who are speaking out about the abuse of women in the home ?
23 WRN exists ‘ to facilitate the return of women to the labour market , to get suitable training and suitable employment conditions ’ , says Ruth Michaels , WRN president .
24 They also show that , for the United States , the dependency ratio actually peaked in 1960 and is now decreasing because of the return of women to the workforce .
25 The return of women to the homefront to live in varying degrees of poverty has been paralleled by an intensification of family-centred propaganda to remind us that women are the ‘ natural ’ homemakers , and that in difficult and unsettled times our prime responsibility is to make sure that our men and our children and our dependent relatives are properly cared for .
26 Mirrors appear often in the poetry of women in the eighteenth century .
27 The circumstances of women within the middle class varied widely .
28 With regard to their own work , three of the four women said they had been criticised by White feminists for ‘ too much sex ’ or for ‘ collusion in the exploitation of women for the male gaze ’ , a criticism which they all felt was inappropriate and indicative not just of Western ignorance vis-à-vis questions of representation and cultural difference , but also of institutional and political constraints .
29 The crisis of capitalism therefore is the crisis of a society based on the exploitation of the labour force through the pursuit of private profit , the exploitation of women through the bourgeois family and the exploitation of colonial peoples through the abuse of minorities and the rise of neo-colonialism in the form of multi-national corporations and US foreign policy .
30 Wherever the original data allow , particular attention will be given to the problems raised by the inclusion of women in the analyses .
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