Example sentences of "the [noun] of [noun] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The staircase and walls are of white marble , with the addition of lapis lazuli for the geometrical floor pattern .
2 Just over a year ago everyone got a bit of a scare when an opinion poll showed that one third of the French agreed with the extremist ideas supported by Mr Le Pen — priority for the French ( as opposed to immigrants ) in jobs , housing , and family benefits ; the abolition of all income tax and its replacement with higher rates of VAT ; the reintroduction of the death penalty for murderers and drug traffickers ; and the expulsion of the immigrant long-term unemployed ; the banning of tourist visas for Arabs and Africans ( to stop illegal immigration ) , and so on .
3 The provision of state pensions for such people was a welcome addition to the incomes of the extended households they almost invariably belonged to ; it supplemented and sometimes replaced the help which lineages would otherwise have given .
4 Local conditions will control the need for the provision of water supplies for fire-fighting .
5 the New OED Computer Group Manager responsible to the Head of Computer Development for the provision of computer services for the New OED Project Team , he controls the Computer Group , and coordinates the processing and support functions .
6 I think we all recognise that traffic issues here in Cambridge are likely to be controversial issues and I think we 'd all equally recognise that er the joint traffic management sub- committee has made considerable progress in recent years in the provision of cycle lanes for example , in dealing with illegal parking er on the city 's road and in improving the environment for pedestrians in our main shopping streets .
7 It is in its work on health and healing , the Board of Social Responsibility has for some years now been concerned with the provision of training conferences for ministers and others involved in this aspect of the church 's commission .
8 This Conference was staged at what has since proved to be an important turning point in the provision of training facilities for colleagues involved in the promotion of bilingualism and community languages .
9 It was believed that many of the functions of Clark Field — including the provision of transit facilities for special operations forces — were to be transferred to the Cubi Point Naval Air Station at Subic Bay .
10 The provision of health services for homeless families living in lodgings or hotel accommodation is a task for local GPs , health visitors and other members of the primary care team , and while depression , anxiety and emotional disorders are common , few require the services of the specialist mental health services .
11 That drudgery could have been transformed overnight by the provision of pithead baths for the men , and for their clothes , which were often so laden with dust that , as one old miner recalled , " I used to bray my gear against the wall " .
12 Bishop Lacey — our first Bishop — was desirous of setting up a Guild to oversee the making of vestments and the provision of linen items for the altar .
13 The junta also implemented certain populist policies , including the provision of wage supplements for rural workers .
14 The contract , which runs for a five-year period from 1 November 1992 , covers the provision of maintenance personnel for the production facilities on Amoco 's NW Hutton , Montrose Alpha , Arbroath , Everest and Lomond platforms .
15 I know that the Society has had to come to terms with the implications of a decline in the support of Local Authorities for Adult Education classes .
16 In addition , the existence of tax allowances for children was seen by others , including Beatrice Webb ( 1919 , p. 307 ) and Seebohm Rowntree ( 1918 , p. 141 ) , as an important precedent to be used in the argument for extending the state 's recognition of parental responsibilities by the introduction of cash family allowances .
17 However , it may be indicative of increased competition that in the case of dollar issues for supranationals the average margin over US T-bonds in 1980 – 83 was 17 basis points while in 1984 – 87 it was – 11 basis points .
18 In the case of summary proceedings for recovery of land , Ord 24 , r 4 , any person not named as a respondent may apply to be joined at any stage of the proceedings on the question whether an order for possession should be made .
19 The liability of club officials for injuries sustained by club members on the club 's premises has recently been considered by the Court of Appeal .
20 The House of Lords ' decision determined an important question of law concerning the liability of trade unions for the actions of their shop stewards .
21 The inventions of Lancashire men for mechanizing the production of cotton goods gave rise to the familiar industrial landscape of this part of England ; the tall brick-built mills which made ‘ King Cotton ’ the pride and joy of Victorian Britain .
22 It featured the removal of state subsidies for public organizations and cuts in public spending , but increased farm subsidies ( combined with the introduction of market prices for farm products ) .
23 The preparation of answer keys for 100 texts required between two weeks and a month .
24 The Ministry of Agriculture specifications for grant-aided fencing ( available from your local office ) give a clear indication of the materials you need .
25 This co-operation has gained practical expression in the formulation of Area Strategies for most parts of the extended area , notably New Brighton , Stanley , Vauxhall and Birkenhead .
26 This process analysed a matrix of the returns of n assets for t + 1 periods .
27 The rebuilding of the town of Warwick after the fire presumably provided him with an initial opportunity , and he was later responsible for a further group of churches and other public buildings ; but the predominant element in his practice was the building of country houses for the midlands gentry .
28 In what spare time he had , Garrett put his electronics experience into the building of metal detectors for use in treasure hunting .
29 His benefit package may include the payment of school fees for his children and the continuation of pension arrangements .
30 Some European legislation , e.g. directives , requires further legislative or administrative action by the authorities of member states for it to become effective .
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