Example sentences of "the [noun] for [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The local youth centre raised the money for us to have a phone installed and we got a FreeFone number for the Exeter and Devon area .
2 If , as reported on Page One , the funds of the town council are as much as John Bennett states , perhaps they would advance the money for us to buy a new minibus , on suitable terms of course .
3 After his release he lived in Kent , preaching regularly in Rochester Cathedral and laying the foundations for what became the Quaker community there .
4 I wo n't take the responsibility for you losing the will to write , or for shackling your motives , or anything else .
5 My mother and I helped push him up the ladder into the attic ( not easy — he was no lightweight ) , and then passed up the bucket for him to quench the flames .
6 raise say a hundred pound or seventy five and then that can go towards payment er the payment for someone to patrol the car park for the plays .
7 It was close enough to the cottage for her to take an early morning dip or a quick swim before dinner .
8 So , for instance , the Crowther Report of 1959 on the education of 15-18-year-olds talked about the likelihood that middle-class girls would combine a career with motherhood and marriage and the necessity for them to receive an education which prepared them for this future dual role .
9 Although a government which enjoys the confidence of a comfortable majority of Members of the House of Commons is very unlikely to encounter any difficulty in securing such sanction , the necessity for it remains the ultimate weapon in the hands of the House .
10 ' But there was n't enough in the extract for me to get the context .
11 My fields are too far from the Manor for me to keep an eye on them .
12 POLICEMAN : But it is against the law for you to have a gun , Mr Klugman .
13 The interested users are notified of the requirement for them to assess the DC via the LIFESPAN Mail System .
14 The requirement for you to maintain a high standard of conduct also extends to your out-of-work activities .
15 The rental of each office is on a month 's licence the fee for which includes the cost of a receptionist , rates , water and electricity , heating , lighting , insurance , cleaning maintenance , security , 24-hour access and secure parking .
16 Hilton urges those who would know God to think of themselves as pilgrims to " Ierusalem-ward " set out on a journey to the centre of their own inner world : He thus brings into play resonances from the traditional Augustinian image of the City of God the desire for which activates the Christian life and from allegorical exegesis where Jerusalem signifies , morally , the soul of the faithful Christian striving for the vision of peace and , anagogically , the life of those in heaven who see God face to face .
17 In particular , it stressed the need for them to adopt a more professional approach to and an involvement in economic management as against the policy advisory role on which they exercised their intellects [ Brittan , 1971 ] .
18 This is not only because of the harmful effects they can have on the physical self but also because the need for them indicates a severe deficiency in the emotional self — a deficiency which needs to be helped and treated rather than disguised .
19 It , it highlights the need for us to take a rational approach does it not , to er , the local government review , and realize that cooperation is essential between all parties concerned for the best interests of Shropshire as , as a whole , the people of Shropshire as a whole .
20 The development programme for the aircraft will provide the broad range of capabilities which was asked for by all four nations originally and er the fact that one or more nations may have deleted its requirement for a particular facility does n't remove the need for us to complete the development work er because we still have at least one or two customers for that facility .
21 Mrs. Ray Michie : Is the Minister aware that , in its evidence to the Scottish Affairs Select Committee , which studied rural transport in 1980–82 , the STUCC asked the Committee to consider the need for it to have a remit to examine bus services so that there could be an integrated service in Scotland ?
22 Roger suddenly launched into this discussion about how they 'd identified the need for someone to join the team with a view to becoming a main board member ; this person would effectively release him from a lot of the day-to-day public company responsibilities and the accounting , reporting and auditing areas , so that he could focus on being part of the entrepreneurial team , organising financing and liaising with the City .
23 She was therefore a little disconcerted to find when they left the station that instead of waiting for a taxi Lady Selvedge began to stride away in the direction of Victoria Street , saying ‘ I know just the place for us to get a snack .
24 The late professor , Mr. Cummyn , had received £100 a year for his services , which was clearly the attraction , and the true note of weary cynicism was provided by Mungo Graeme of Gorthie who , while acknowledging the youth of the candidate , suggested that ‘ a dispensation from the king for him to travell a year or two will make him a very good professor , as good as Cuminyn was ’ .
25 We need a reel or a hook on the wall for them to put the
26 The ball bobbled along the goal-line for what seemed an eternity before Olney screwed it wide .
27 But the eagerness to get to Sutton Bridge Station to start the trip was matched by the reluctance to get to Hunstanton Station at the end of the day for it meant the excursion was over :
28 Nevertheless , there is still a sufficiently good chance that they are the father for them to undertake the major share of parental duties .
29 Then I heard him call down from the attic for me to open the stairs door wide .
30 Gigantic , monstrous and powerful ; waiting on the stairs for him to open the door wide , so that it could seize him , drag him away and do to him what it had done to Pearce ?
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