Example sentences of "the [noun] i could [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Through a tear in the singlet I could see his rib bones sticking out .
2 Kukuli was Quechua for ‘ beautiful bird ’ and even in the dim light of the carriage I could see she had eyes like stars .
3 I drank all the booze I could lay my hands on .
4 ‘ If we had been sitting at the bottom I could accept my fate , but we are seventh and have lost only one of the last eight games . ’
5 Only her red mouth glowed , and even from across the room I could see it smiling straight at me , the lips shining in the light as though she had just licked them , as though they were still moist .
6 I 'm never rude on the phone I could say she 's not in
7 In the distance I could hear something , something I had to pay attention to .
8 There were curtains dangling above my head , and under the frill I could see it was starting to get light .
9 When she took off the glasses I could see I 'd overstepped .
10 If I just take the serviettes I could ask her if they were obtainable .
11 ‘ Once we got to the hospital I could feel her head and it was the first moment it all became real for me .
12 When they were at the nursery I could take them at 7 a.m. and pick them up at 6 p.m .
13 I could do it if I had the face and I had the guts I could do it .
14 All the others I could find I brought here . ’
15 After the weekend I could get us there .
16 I can hear Victor asking what I 'd do if I started losing the fight ; let them kick me about while all the time I could stop them ; let them find the gun ?
17 It 's by the time I could get my gloves on .
18 I risked them seeing me so as to try to hear , but in fact by the time I could hear them they were shouting , which meant I could listen through the doorway without seeing them or being seen .
19 ‘ At the time I could see myself eventually in some sort of consultancy capacity . ’
20 When she passed under the streetlight I could see her long , curly hair was red ; its rich hue glowed like fire , despite the way the artificial light stripped the colour from everything else it touched .
21 Looking some people in the face I could see what 15 years of hard work had done to them .
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