Example sentences of "the [noun] be [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The crook was given a reference but ran out of luck when his new bosses caught him fiddling £60 million .
2 Claiming they 've found a balance somewhere between Jane 's Addiction and Jefferson Airplane , 8 Storey Window are an unashamed , intense , jamming rock band who are happiest when the drums are doing their own Ginger Baker thing and the guitar is taking a stroll in the stratosphere .
3 Note that if the Wizard is riding a horse with barding this has no effect on his ability to cast spells .
4 The change was suggested a couple of weeks ago .
5 The trial was resumed a week later , only to be adjourned once more after the opening proceedings and the prosecution 's opening address , setting out the charges .
6 NEW age travellers in the Highlands are to stage a protest against what they claim is police harassment tomorrow outside Inverness Sheriff Court .
7 The IPCC is preparing a range of projections on emissions of carbon dioxide and global warming over the next 100 years on the basis of estimates of worldwide economic growth , energy use and technological change .
8 The trick is to create a garden of Eden , with shade and sun , fountains and flowers , a bar and barbecue , all focused on the pool , that you must cross before you get to the sand .
9 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
10 The trick is to find a feed that your horse enjoys and which provides him with all the nutrients he requires to do the work you are asking of him .
11 The trick is to find a way of giving the Europeans enough of a feeling that they can pursue security policies of their own without at the same time forming a European defence association that would drive the Americans away .
12 For them too the trick is to find a balance between proportionality and the faults voters feel in their form of PR .
13 The trick is to construct a joke with the punchline : You call THAT Mission Control ?
14 The trick is to apply a technique borrowed from optical audio Compact Disks and carve a tiny spiral groove in the surface that the head can follow to improve the tracking accuracy of the magnetic head .
15 The technique is to crush a diamond , select a splinter that comes to a molecular-sized point , and mount it on a pantograph system .
16 The crucial issue here is whether or not the effluent is entering a watercourse which is used for water supply or amenity .
17 The case was to set a stamp on the decade , and one question from prosecuting counsel Mervyn Griffiths-Jones was to mark the period as precisely as Neville Chamberlain 's ‘ Peace in our time ’ had done in 1938 .
18 They have , in my judgment , considered all the significant aspects of the case and they have decided , first of all , that the threshold conditions have been satisfied and , secondly , that the appropriate order in the circumstances of the case was to grant a care order to the local authority .
19 But although the Chelsea star sustained serious injury , the Reds were awarded a freekick .
20 Social workers and the courts are facing a problem which has defeated the best efforts of families and professionals ; whatever the wording , few courts will be willing to gamble on children whom they refuse to commit to security not returning to prostitution , burning down a house , or injuring themselves .
21 The third way of calculating the multiplicand and now the one that finds most favour with the courts is to deduct a percentage from the deceased 's net income figure to represent what he would have spent exclusively on himself .
22 However , the similarities were more compelling than the differences : and , by chance , the courts were considering a case of valuer 's negligence at the same time .
23 In short Lipski said that the Germans were manipulating a crisis in order to renege on their debts to Poland .
24 She made a twenty pound donation back to the village hall the clerk was to send a letter of thanks .
25 The Clerk was to send a letter of apology to Mrs thanking her for twenty years of service and ask if she 'd reconsider the job .
26 ( 4 ) Where under a contract of sale the property in the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer the contract is called a sale .
27 In the case of the CAP , the taxpayer is supporting a system which is unmatched in its waste , its inefficiency and its harmful social , economic and environmental effects .
28 The plans are to have a Deanery Communication Team , with representatives in every parish .
29 The plans were to include a vestry , church parlour , toilets and classrooms and the estimated cost was placed at £15,000 .
30 The magnitude of the NLD 's victory placed into question the validity of the SLORC 's stricture that the sole purpose of the election was to establish a Constituent Assembly without legislative power , whose task would be to draw up a new constitution before power could be handed over to a " strong " government , generally interpreted as meaning one acceptable to the military .
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