Example sentences of "the [noun] [subord] i be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd never thought of myself as working at the NME because I was in awe of it ; I used to read it all the time , Tony Tyler , Charles Shaar Murray and people like that .
2 ‘ Why do people always ring the doorbell when I 'm in the bath ? ’
3 ’ The people who do it even though they can afford it are the worst , but I am far more concerned about the victims — the shops than I am about the people who carry out the crime .
4 I had read Revolt in the Desert while I was at Eton , and I later read Seven Pillars of Wisdom as soon as it was published after his death .
5 ‘ Right , and I 'll take a shufti round the wood while I 'm about it .
6 My bedroom , for instance , had a ghost that used to come through it every night — it was n't a visible ghost but it was audible — and I used to see the door open at the other end of the room when I was in bed and then would hear this ‘ clunk clunk ’ … .
7 My thirst for real travel was to have its very modest beginnings on the railways of the Midlands when I was at B.P. My journeying consisted of little trips to neighbouring towns within a radius of fifty miles north , south , east and west of Bletchley .
8 That 's including Chippingfield if you had seen it as we saw it when we came here you would recognise how much work has gone into building the town because I was on the the council then I was asked if I would stand for the council which was then only a parish council there was no urban district council that was n't formed for four or five years afterwards and of course , we had to fight for lights everything that , er that we needed we had to fight for because there was no lighting on Netteswell Road where our children were going to school , and there were little ones .
9 The thing is , it 's a vicious circle , it 's Catch 22 really , 'cos I used to have a good self-employed business , going painting and decorating and I used to have a good clientele and that and I found over the years that , when it became harder and harder to score and the prices rocketed and all that , it got out of hand , out of proportion , that I was spending more and more time off the job than I was on the job , looking round to get the stuff and I found I was unable to carry on working without the drug , because I just felt so bad and I could n't climb ladders and I thought I was a danger to myself and anybody else that I had working with me , y'know .
10 They hold as high positions as that and they run ministries , and I 'd like to add that in Kuwait the number of women deans in the Kuwait university is the highest in the world , so the woman is working side-by-side by the man , and we are very proud of them , we always have been , and especially after the invasion when I was in Kuwait on the fourth day the people who went in the streets chanting against the Iraqui invasion were the Kuwaiti women .
11 ‘ I first heard about the race while I was in my first term at Exeter University , ’ she told ACCOUNTANCY .
12 I 'd like to make the observations because I 'm of the opinion that most members came into this chamber this afternoon with their minds completely and utterly made up and there is very little that we can do in this chamber this afternoon to change people 's minds .
13 In the toilet when I was with Lynne .
14 He looked after Lucy during the day while I was at work , but I found out afterwards that he used to leave her a lot with my friends upstairs .
15 Well you must have been going during the day while I was at work then .
16 Aunt Lilian had invented the Game when I was at school in order to increase my knowledge of world events and give me a sense of history .
17 IT IS more than possible that I am missing a point , showing a lack of imagination , remaining in the Middle Ages and have my feet firmly stuck in the mud when I am under the impression they are just on the ground .
18 That 's what the game 's been about , you know , distracting the governor until I was beyond him .
19 My opposition goes back to 1979 and to the work done in the Department of the Environment when I was in it on the production of the 1981 Green Paper .
20 I had been swimming a long time that first Sunday , far out in the bay , and he could easily have slipped the things on to the Bourani end of the beach while I was in the water .
21 Now I can not concede that programme going on the air when I was to Melbourne .
22 ‘ I 'm not allowed in the prop-room when I 'm in costume , ’ Stella said .
23 ‘ Yes , I sent the message when I was at Glastonbury .
24 I agreed to pass on the message as I was on my way to Make-up . ’
25 I went into the bank while I was in Matlock . ’
26 Tell me first , what happened to the world when I was in prison .
27 I knew though that they 'd work it out in the end so I was on the look-out for a new job .
28 He added : ‘ I never struck him with my fists or kicked him in the face when I was in a standing position . ’
29 ‘ Mother says he can not smoke in the house while I am with child . ’
30 More violent crimes than that performed by the jealous woman did not occur among the Chewong while I was with them , nor could anyone tell me of others in the past .
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