Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb past] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Board gave both a secure market for milk and a measure of financial security to the farmers .
2 The driver slid aside a little panel and addressed the assembled company .
3 In their experiment , rats that have been pre-exposed to a noise prior to noise-shock conditioning trials showed latent inhibition in that , on a final test session , the noise elicited only a weak CR .
4 The compartment gave only an oblique view of the altar , which perhaps accounted for the distinct murmur of conversation behind the grille .
5 The judge set aside a statutory demand Marshalls had served on the debtor and , in consequence , dismissed a bankruptcy petition founded on that demand .
6 As the universe shrank so a prickly sense of danger grew , and her only defence was words .
7 In the early 1900s , when boys were still reading the Alger tales , Henry Ford made his fortune mass-producing the Model T , and in the process became both a national folk hero and a potential presidential candidate .
8 These formulations were grounded in the early hydraulic model of the circulation of energy derived from fluid mechanics ; the body possessed only a fixed quantity of semen , once expended it was lost forever .
9 The West Germans favoured withdrawing all nuclear artillery and ground-based missiles from German soil , while the UK urged only a partial reduction .
10 In response , the IBOA put forward a detailed position paper to the Bank in order to provide real Job Security for our members in National Irish Bank .
11 I think in the cases where we drew the game looking at the performances of the strikers who missed relatively easy chances and hit the bar as well as a couple of defensive lapses cost us the wins — the midfield performed well a created the chances .
12 The clearance of the staging at the end of the bridge took only a short time , and it was not until they were moving once more that Alexei had a sudden thought .
13 The supplementary case concerning the jurisdiction over the churches of the Vale brought also a quick retort from the pope when poor Master Robert attempted to argue that prescription had no power against episcopal rights .
14 Because if it had been painted , and the paint took quite a long time to dry and er if there was a speck of dust it remained there forever .
15 And Clara went and put her eye to the hole , and inside the block swam sadly a drowned lady , some seaweed , and an orange .
16 Ancient cities such as York or Norwich or Exeter were divided into numerous small parishes , whereas the burgeoning industrial towns that straddled the foothills of the Pennines covered only a small part of huge parishes that contained villages , hamlets and scattered farmsteads within their bounds .
17 The phrase had rather a stylish ring to it he 'd decided .
18 Thus the interior contained only a single row of nave arcade columns ( Plate 21 ) and the comparative narrowness of the plan meant that there was space for only a range of shallow ancillary rooms — stores , bathrooms and laundry ( Fig 44 ) — on the north side of the ground-floor flats access corridor once dwellings of suitable size , restricted to the spans of the nave arcade bays , had been accommodated .
19 He pointed out that the federal government was directly responsible for determining the prices of only 11.5 per cent of industrial products and 14.5 per cent of retail prices , and concluded from that that the government played only a minor role in generating inflation .
20 The government gained only a narrow majority with 151 votes against 144 ( with one abstention and four deputies absent ) .
21 When he rather reluctantly accepted the suggestion of another Sibelius score , En Saga , he found that ‘ the music suggested rather a different story ’ .
22 From 7 to 17 June , the NUM kept only a token picket on Orgreave .
23 The Chamber became solely a domestic household institution , but Wards and the Duchy of Lancaster maintained an independent existence .
24 The total reached only a little over £150,000 , less than 20 per cent of Wolsey 's original demand .
25 The earl had only a small household with him at Huncote , but even so they were ten at the high table , and all male , since the countess and her women were left behind in Leicester .
26 The forces of property development always wanted to structure the terms by which the city became again a safe investment location for capital .
27 The Report included indeed a comprehensive set of proposals for the prevention of child and adult ill-health .
28 The seven-plus immediately came under renewed fire after the results showed just a slight improvement in spelling , reading and maths and a 12 per cent drop in writing skills since the tests were first held last year .
29 Between 1927 and 1934 the PCF became less a political group with a mass following , more an extremist ideological sect , an ideal target for repression and persecution by reactionary governments .
30 The largest opposition party , the Movement of Democratic Socialists ( MDS ) led by Mohammed Moada , had been the first to opt for a boycott , on the grounds that the elections represented only a limited pluralist opening as long as parliament and the media continued under RCD control .
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