Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The national park committee also agreed to support a timetable for all public transport within the park and to help with British Rail 's Esk Valley line .
2 ‘ I do n't see how anybody can pick up a guitar nowadays and not give some credit to Jimi Hendrix because , at the time — people do n't remember this — but at the time he came out , people were ready to give up the guitar and go onto other instruments .
3 It was bulky and rotund at the base and tapered into slender points at the top .
4 Administration of a drug to the mother also means its administration to the fetus or neonate through placental transfer or breast milk .
5 He clocks approximately 1hr 10mins for a 25-miler on the bike and runs at seven-minute mile pace , and is keen to improve on his weakest activity , swimming , during the summer .
6 One point worth mentioning is that the carrying system may be completely detached from the sack and used with other sacks in the range which are available separately without the back system .
7 It was originally used by the RAF and sold for civil use in 1938 .
8 In Stones [ 1989 ] 1 WLR 156 ( CA ) , Glidewell LJ said that : " The mischief at which the section is clearly aimed is that if a burglar has a weapon which he intends to use to injure some person unconnected with the premises burgled , he may nevertheless be tempted to use it if challenged during the course of the burglary and put under sufficient pressure . "
9 He borrowed a dromedary camel called Bert from Dudley zoo for the afternoon and watched with evident delight as the surprised children were taken for rides around the lawn .
10 External pressure for change is seen as mediated through the ‘ micro-politics ’ of school life , a term used to refer to the conflicts and struggles between various interest groups within schools .
11 Two senior Chilean intelligence officers of the Pinochet regime , Gen. Juan Manuel Contreras of the DINA secret police and Lt. Col. Pedro Espinosa , had also been indicted in the case but remained at large in Chile [ see also pp. 36346 ; 36931 ] .
12 However , they were later taken off the case and transferred to other duties .
13 A way around this problem is to plan the prospectus so that the information that changes regularly is kept apart from the main body of the text and printed on separate sheets .
14 Barney Summerville slid nervously from the driving seat of the Armstrong and stared with unbelieving eyes at the girl with the cool smile who stood before him .
15 Sited at the extreme right end of the crag and flanked by broken rock and hillside , it nevertheless provides an appealing climb .
16 ‘ Hombre , hombre , hombre , ’ they chorused , urging her to take her man , and ‘ Que lenta , ’ they screamed when she failed to catch up with her number four , and he went up the field and scored to loud cheers .
17 For such input to be possible , the speech or handwritten data must be ‘ recognised ’ by the computer and translated into digital text representation ( such as ASCII characters ) .
18 The buyer did not repudiate the contract but pressed for early delivery .
19 You do in fact remember as c Councillor has said , that when Labour took over and schools were given the chance to change their minds and withdraw at least to change y to change the decision and withdraw from immediate L M S , then half of the schools chose to delay it 's introduction .
20 picked boat people and all , dumped them on the deck and went on full steam ahead
21 Most members of the elite accepted the contrast or worked for gradual reform .
22 Most of them left the ministry and moved to other evangelical outlets for their vocation .
23 On 4 August 1989 solicitors acting on behalf of the relatives wrote to the coroner repeating the facts as I have summarised them and requesting that an inquest be held to inquire whether or not the death had been caused or aggravated by failures of the emergency services to respond to the calls and to attend in proper time .
24 The South is also the most optimistic about economic prospects over the next year , although there is no evidence of a significant upturn in spending , while savings are ‘ becoming less attractive ’ because of lower interest rates and the feeling that the worst of the recession and increase in jobless is over .
25 Industrial change , the recession and cuts in public expenditure have left many urban areas with jobless and disheartened communities , neglected buildings , much vacant land and a sharply declining quality in the local environment .
26 The sky rumbled loudly above them and the rain continued to pour down , bouncing on the lane and running into little streams .
27 And Queen 's hope that they will be joined by other top quality players who are currently studying at the university but play with other club sides .
28 In the spirit of this policy , no application from a disabled but otherwise qualified candidate will be rejected because of his or her disablement without the applicant being given full opportunity to see the facilities of the University and to discuss with appropriate staff how particular difficulties might be overcome .
29 If the compost heap seems dry , water it with the hose and cover with old carpet to speed up the natural rotting process .
30 After giving your letter to my ‘ bonne ’ yesterday I gave up the fight and retired in good order to bed , where I am still .
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