Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] [vb pp] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The CCJP also declared that pre-election violence and the intimidation of the opposition had reached such a scale that it was " calling into question the freedom and fairness of the general election " .
2 The authorities later specified that certain French residents in Chad were under suspicion in connection with the Feb. 21 incident , and on March 31 the French government repatriated " for security reasons " four French citizens working on official co-operation projects .
3 The judges thus concluded that detailed excursions into the epidemiological evidence were by and large immaterial to the matter at hand : the question of whether there was deception involved in the statement that there was ‘ little evidence ’ and the imputations arising from this statement for the general thrust of meaning in the advertisement as a whole .
4 This remark emphasizes again the point previously made that moral considerations , which can not be regarded as principles in the Kantian sense , are involved in situations of moral dilemma or in what Winch calls ‘ ‘ the perspective' ’ of the action' .
5 The UK also announced that raw sewage dumping would be phased out by 1998 .
6 The Cabinet already suspected that U Saw was planning some act of retaliation ( he resigned on returning from London and did not attempt to contest the election ) .
7 The MRD later claimed that small crowds had assembled in six places without confronting the police and that 1,500 had been detained .
8 The initiative was part of a wider programme of constitutional reform , and the government subsequently confirmed that other changes — to restore the power of the president to remove commanders-in-chief of the armed forces , and to eliminate the in-built bias of the current political system to the right wing — would be presented in March 1992 .
9 Sentimental it may be , but the image clearly captured that exhilarating feeling humanity had of striding into something too big to manage — yet .
10 The French fully understood that Syrian nationalist sentiment would be opposed to their rule .
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