Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] [vb past] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Storerooms and chairs could be found anywhere but the cinematograph still had to be acquired as of course did the films themselves , which the writer did not even deign to mention .
2 The favourite still seemed to be going well enough , however , and the adoring masses were not particularly worried as the leading group — Ten of Spades and Desert Orchid , with Toby Tobias and Norton 's Coin close behind — thundered down towards the third last fence .
3 When in position the confection obviously had to be protected from the effects of the sea water until the frogman had positioned the mine and was ready to ‘ an ’ it .
4 The rent still had to be paid and it was impossible to sell the lease with so much property available .
5 The hens also appeared to be very consistent in their decisions , with individual birds choosing the same nest day after day .
6 Most of the enemy still seemed to be asleep as the avalanche of horses and riders bore down upon them in pounding fury .
7 I had forgotten that before the war there had been no Women 's Auxiliary Air Force to build barrack blocks for , as the Force only came into being in 1939 .
8 Mr Hill said the murder still appeared to be motiveless .
9 Suddenly running the club successfully seemed to be the most important thing in her life .
10 The response of the defendants then had to be looked at .
11 The Council also requested to be kept informed of further developments in this field .
12 The last of the winter snow was melting off the steep slopes , but the flatter areas and the passes still seemed to be well covered .
13 Among the controversial issues which any negotiations would have to address were the following [ see also p. 36837 for so-called " Harare declaration " on ANC proposals for future negotiations , and p. 36912 for earlier policy guidelines ] : ( i ) nationalization : in press interviews in the days following his release , Mandela had reasserted the ANC 's stated policy of nationalizing certain sectors of the economy , including mines — this immediately provoked sharp falls on South African financial markets [ see also p. 37176 ] ; ( ii ) the armed struggle : Mandela had refused to renounce this policy , repeating on Feb. 14 that government installations were legitimate targets for sabotage [ ibid. ] ; ( iii ) power-sharing : the government and the ANC still appeared to be a long way apart on interpretation — the ANC for its part was not prepared to accept an arrangement similar to the current tri-cameral parliament ; ( iv ) sanctions : Mandela had already stated that " the conditions for which sanctions are being applied still exist " and thus there was no need for a review of the question [ for UK Prime Minister 's unilateral decision to break EC agreement on voluntary sanctions see below ] .
14 Protestant churches were not unaffected by the spirit in which the campaign often appeared to be conducted .
15 The parents invariably seemed to be laden with shopping , children , pushchairs , and all the other paraphernalia of parenthood .
16 It is little wonder , then , that ostracism and gossip were such powerful ways of enforcing the values and standards of village life , nor that the criteria of status and prestige in the community also tended to be derived from the world of work .
17 The tax thus came to be seen as an impost on the whole community , to which the general assent of the community was required .
18 The workers later had to be treated in hospital for minor injuries and today the Royal Mail put up a £10,000 reward for the arrest and conviction of the attackers .
19 But , although the business generally had to be won at lower margins in the face of stiffer competition , our performance should have been very much better , and would have been had we responded more promptly to market fluctuations .
20 The amplitude of the vibration even seemed to be reducing slightly , although the movement was still sickeningly massive .
21 The caddie also had to be fastidious with his player 's equipment , providing clean clubs and balls .
22 The rynd and the spindle soon came to be made from iron to be more durable , and the handle was developed to become a lever for turning the runner stone by animal power .
23 Downing Street said the details of the meeting still had to be arranged , including whether the Prime Minister wanted to be filmed with Mr Rushdie .
24 It was not only other ancient literature that was opened up for new understanding by the Renaissance : the Bible too began to be read with new eyes , eyes no longer focused simply by the authoritative teaching of the church .
25 This shift from a conflictual dyadic political structure is not simply a question of historical change , of the recent appearance of ‘ minorities ’ : after all the slave was already constituted simultaneously according to different groups ( for example male or female ) , the Lumpenproletariat always had to be excluded .
26 The duke therefore had to be satisfied with rather less permanent methods of limiting the Woodvilles ' power .
27 The duke therefore had to be satisfied with rather less permanent methods of limiting the Woodvilles ' power .
28 Before then , despite a number of chances , this game had nil all written all over it ; United did have their chances , they hit the post , Steve Foster and Martin Foyle both went close but the ball never appeared to be going into the back of the net .
29 Since the man was in this incapable state most afternoons , the head rightly wanted to be rid of him .
30 This the court now held to be a valid return , although a general one , and , since it did not disclose on its face any irregularity or wrongful cause , it precluded the intervention of the courts .
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