Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 D-arginine ( 5×10 - 4 M ) had no effect upon this inhibition but it was reversed by the addition of L-arginine at the same concentration ( fig 5 ) .
2 After 3 minutes pre-incubation at the appropriate temperature , the reaction was started by the addition of ATP at a final concentration of 2mM .
3 After scooping the majority of prizes at the event the 24-man-troupe found themselves being booked for other carnivals which led to a whole summer 's bookings in 1990 .
4 Ecclestone controlled the marketing and the television and the contracts with promoters at the circuits .
5 The government 's 1991 budget proposal [ see p. 37178 ] envisaged an allocation of $295,000 million for defence , a 2.6 per cent decrease on the 1990 actual level in real terms , and envisaged the closure of 35 domestic and 13 overseas military bases as well as the reduction of forces at a further 200 bases .
6 ( Paragraph 32 : " Countries which desire to reduce their birth rates are invited to give particular consideration to the reduction of fertility at the extremes of female reproductive ages because of the salutary effects this may have on infant and maternal welfare . "
7 But her cause was badly damaged in 1985 , the day before she was to sit next to the Prince of Wales at a dinner in Florida , when it was revealed that she posed as a nude model in magazines and appeared in pornographic films in the late 1960s .
8 The award was in respect of an exhibition entitled ‘ Wealth of a Nation ’ mounted by the royal Scottish Museum , the award being presented by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales at a special ceremony in Edinburgh .
9 The award was presented by the Prince of Wales at the Annual Meeting of the per cent club , which I 've already mentioned , and it was during nineteen ninety , and it won the private sector small to medium size company , or companies subsidiary sector category .
10 erm , you have , I have n't , and erm , there was a photograph that I cut out of the paper sometime before he abdicated , over the Prince of Wales at the races with Mrs Simpson .
11 On occasion , however , Alexandra would sometimes get her way and drag the Prince to services at the church she favoured , St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in Oxford Street , where she could enjoy being in the company of other deaf people , and be able to follow the services , as she was a fluent fingerspeller .
12 We operated from fixed points with the vessels motoring or drifting as near to the centre of the basin as possible between Foyers and Urquhart Bay , normally scanning the beam over a sector of 120 o in the direction of travel at a tilt of 30 o to 40 o , to give an effective search to a depth of 160 m .
13 They offered the maisonettes for sale at a peppercorn price , less than £2,000 .
14 The change of style at the corner of Downing Street , on the other hand , would provide no greater contrast ‘ than occurs at every turn in the Grand Canal at Venice where Gothic and renaissance palaces constantly alternate to the great satisfaction of the artist ’ and would avoid the ‘ stereotyped monotony of a single style ’ .
15 Perhaps the most crucial part of the golf swing is the change of directions at the top of the backswing .
16 These discussions were not , perhaps , made any easier by the change of ministers at the DES in September 1981 when Sir Keith Joseph became Secretary of State and William Waldegrave his junior minister with responsibility for higher education .
17 It was Kenneth Baker , a smoothie bruiser , but — probably to his relief — the change in leadership at the top brought the Prime Minister 's pal , Chris Patten to 32 Smith Square for the election .
18 It certainly seems that the change in personalities at the top of the Soviet hierarchy has not resulted in any easing of the repressive policy against dissidents .
19 It is hard to judge how far the change in personalities at the head of the Iranian regime following Khomeini 's death in June 1989 simplified this process .
20 Without the support of people at the top , no one is likely to confront organisational defensive routines .
21 Historically , testing arose out of the desire to break down arbitrary barriers of class , race and nationality ; it was part of the democratisation of society at the turn of the century .
22 He was given the award on Monday at the Sunday Times Literary Banquet .
23 In 1960 , Hugh Greene , a member of the Board of Governors at the BBC , had abruptly dismissed the claim that ITV was as much a public service body as the BBC , cynically despatching its press tag as ‘ the people 's Television ’ .
24 A candidate may present information , relevant to his examination performance which , in his view , was not in the possession of the Board of Examiners at the time of the Board 's initial decision about his academic progress .
25 David Lee , deputy director of the Imperial War Museum at Duxford has become a member of the board of trustees at the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington near York .
26 Rumour had it that it was he who brought it to the attention of Chamberlain , who became President of the Board of Trade at the same time as Plimsoll left the House , that numbers of lives lost at sea , after falling as a result of the Load Line Act , were now again on the increase .
27 In 1910 and 1911 he was mechanical engineer for the Board of Trade at the British pavilions at the Brussels and Turin exhibitions .
28 Yes , Winston Churchill was the President of the Board of Trade at the time , and he actually sponsored the legislation .
29 He saw the flicker of uncertainty at the back of Weis 's eyes , and smiled inwardly .
30 Magnified as much by his fever as by the brass telescope to his eye , he saw Hookum Singh , a giant Sikh capable of carrying a barrel of powder on his back , stagger after Harry Dunstaple , emptying the powder in piles at the corners of the Cutcherry building and around pillars and supports .
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